16.04 - Ubuntu GNOME display fails to start on boot - Ask Ubuntu

i have made fresh ubuntu gnome 16.04.1 install through usb , there no problems during first boot. booting os second time throws me tty1. here have tried:

  • booting usb again trying boot hard drive initializes display successfully. however, original symptom, once shutdown computer , re-start again throws me tty1
  • in tty1, have tried issuing service gdm stop & service gdm start sudo privileges. nothing worked.
  • in tty1, issuing sudo startx starts display manager root current user. using terminal window, restarting gdm service above initiate gdm me current user.
  • in tty1, typing startx without root privileges fails

are there défaux init scripts ? have updated packages.

edit 1: issuing sudo service gdm restart reactivates graphical tty7 , solves problem. however, have enter every time @ boot. guess there components related gdm initialization load after gdm or similar.

edit 2: after being dropped tty1, "num-lock" flickers rapidly 20 seconds. if typed user name , password during period, logged in graphical interface normal. if not, have manually restart gdm. worth noting though, every time change "automatic login" on, find off after next boot.

note: have / encrypted. "/boot" resides on separate partition

my accurate guess happens because have encrypted home directory (in addition disk encryption) during installation:

entering credentials


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