software installation - don't know how to install the latest version of Popcorn-Time - Ask Ubuntu

i've downloaded latest version of popcorn-time , extracted files, have no idea on how proceed installation process.

help please.


here steps,

  1. download popcorn time binaries

    $ sudo mkdir /opt/popcorn-time

    for 32-bit system execute:

    sudo wget -qo- | sudo tar jx -c /opt/popcorn-time

    for 64-bit system execute:

    sudo wget -qo- | sudo tar jx -c /opt/popcorn-time

  2. create executable link

now, popcorn time binaries in place, create symbolic link of /opt/popcorn-time/popcorn-time binary /usr/bin/popcorn-time. allow non-privileged users start popcorn time via terminal without additional configuration:

$  sudo ln -sf /opt/popcorn-time/popcorn-time /usr/bin/popcorn-time 
  1. create desktop launcher

use favorite text editor eg. vim , create launcher shortcut. below command uses vim editor create new /usr/share/applications/popcorntime.desktop desktop entry:

$ sudo vi /usr/share/applications/popcorntime.desktop
  1. insert following content above created file:
[desktop entry] version = 1.0 type = application terminal = false name = popcorn time exec = /usr/bin/popcorn-time icon = /opt/popcorn-time/popcorntime.png categories = application;
  1. lastly, download popcorn time's icon

$ sudo wget -q -o /opt/popcorn-time/popcorntime.png

i have taken reference link.


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