Ubuntu 16.04 doesn't handle Macbook keyboard - Ask Ubuntu

i installed ubuntu 16.04 on macbook pro yesterday , today noticed key right below esc isn't correct. should produce ` , ~ (which under os x), produces < , >. haven't tested whole keyboard, don't know if there others. there way fix without reinstalling ubuntu?

here's fix worked macbookpro 12,1 (retina) on xubuntu 16.04 lts "xenial" running kernel 4.8.0-51 generic

back before editing:

nano /usr/share/x11/xkb/symbols/pc 

comment out

key <lsgt> {    [ less, greater, bar, brokenbar ] }; 

and add

key <lsgt> { [ grave, asciitilde, grave, asciitilde ] }; 

apply change

rm -rf /var/lib/xkb/* 


thanks timofey (source here)


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