boot - openssh-server privilege separation bug strikes again 16.xx Lubuntu - Ask Ubuntu
i've been fighting inconsistent startup problem 16.xx releases of lubuntu , openssh-server. won't start @ boot should , manually starting "sudo service ssh start" yields old , discussed bug privilege separation directory missing /var/run/sshd.
i've had problem on 5 machines know it's not "just 1 machine" , it's still dogging me. i've read tons of bug reports , articles many marked solved yielded no or insight. start scripts check directory , should create if it's missing never seem it. can guess else starting rather scripts i'm looking @ fail if directory not there.
i'm ignorant of how unbuntu starting these days. between talks of things, hearing delays of things , having them implemented don't know going on. init, upstart, x, mir, apt, snapd, (crackle pop) it's become alphabet soup never know language until open can! rantiness aside i'm saying diagnosisfu weak these days , i'd appreciate help. can ubuntu server 16.04 sshd seems solid. appears lubuntu specific issue 1 xubuntu install seems ok well. has figured out why happening , how rectify it?
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