drivers - Ubuntu 14.04.5/16.04 and newer on AMD graphics - Ask Ubuntu

i have 14.04.5/16.04 or newer , amd gpu. i'm not getting performance want, , programs need things opencl.

i've heard fglrx, if try install on machine, breaks , have no gui.

is there can amd card working full potential?


this answer applies latest hwe upgrade 14.04 (aka 14.04.5). upgrade brings xorg , kernel versions on 16.04. read below more details on why important.


let's start off general description.

with release of ubuntu 16.04, came lack of proprietary drivers amd. "why?" might ask. well, it's because of few things.

firstly, it's not compatible. won't find fglrx in 16.04 repositories, nor find version 16.04 online. if download latest version amd's website , install it, you'll run low graphics mode, blank screens, , other nasty stuff don't want happen.

you might hoping amd step in update driver, must not know amd's reputation ditching support older cards on linux. since amd doesn't want update driver, canonical make 1 ubuntu, except won't. since 16.04 lts release, canonical have maintain amd driver @ least 5 years, hard do.

there's possibility amd release compatible graphics driver or people might move away amd on linux. doesn't make sense spend lot of effort on driver few linux oses (doing harder), still have supported if new driver came out amd.

more on here:


now, because don't have proprietary driver doesn't mean you'll have terrible time. after all, intel fine.

if use computer web browsing, email, answering/asking questions here, few youtube videos, , not else, lack of proprietary drivers won't bother you. may notice stutter in video, , may not. honestly, there's no way tell beforehand.

if game, use rendering applications, 3d modeling programs, or other graphically advanced or intense software, you're in more complicated situation.

personally, i've seen reports here , on reviews , articles elsewhere amd open source drivers terrible: programs don't work, since need opengl/cl versions default drivers can't provide; games laggy , stuttery; videos cut out, , take audio them; etc. however, i've seen few people can game fine, videos perfect, , there's no trouble.

this contradiction may due 2 different open source drivers available: radeon , amdgpu. amdgpu provides better performance believe, it's available newer cards. older cards (which amd mean 6 months if you're unlucky) stuck radeon, , search of google , ask ubuntu show there's no way switch 1 you're using. @ least, there's no way that's been released.

just many things, can't know happen unless try, if you're willing risk upgrade, go ahead.


so maybe took plunge, hoping you'd have card amdgpu, weren't lucky. maybe installed or upgraded without knowing situation amd. maybe got amdgpu , isn't enough. whatever reason you're on 16.04 amd graphics, there few options you.

1. the first, , obvious, downgrade 14.04.

  • it's still supported until 2019, have 2-3 more years use it. knows? time, amd may have decided change business model , provide support.
  • you use fglrx , performance want/need.
  • please note: 14.04.5 brought xorg 1.18, causes problem in 16.04 begin with. luckily, possible downgrade xorg 1.16 (on 14.04), can still use fglrx. read here.

maybe 14.04 old you, though. maybe doesn't have compatibility new application use much. maybe don't want go through trouble of backing data , reinstalling. well, there option.

2. try out oibaf's drivers.

  • they work amd, nvidia , intel, can try them out if dislike nvidia's proprietary drivers or hoping more performance intel card.
  • they support newer opengl , opencl versions, stuff depends on work.
  • they claim optimized, see real boost in performance.

oibaf's driver seems great replacement fglrx, , is. however, if have recent amd card, may want try out amd's own offering.

3. amdgpu-pro

  • it's proprietary , maintained amd, should provide same performance fglrx did.
  • it works on 14.04 too, can try if you're still on that.
  • update: 16.60 released, adds support quite few older (3-4 years old) cards. link updated.

unfortunately, amdgpu-pro not true replacement fglrx. while provide support 16.04, it's compatible 20 models. that's not much.

if don't care performance, or have need, don't bother proprietary stuff, downgrading or weird installations.

4. just stick open source drivers.

  • no hassle install, since they're running.
  • they provide need if don't special.

just aware these won't work games, high end ones.

5. downgrade xorg

  • this not work on 16.04.

it may work, may break system until reinstall correct version. however, if work, have fglrx back.

read answer here.

options far limited on 16.04, of them may not best. recommend trying oibaf's driver before doing else, , downgrading if can't stand performance , can't use amdgpu-pro.


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