lubuntu - Update settings and refresh PCManFM using command line? - Ask Ubuntu

when changes settings under pcmanfm > edit > preferences > volume management using gui, reflects changes.

but requirement such thing command line. doing things follow disable mount_removable.

sed -i -e 's/mount_removable=1/mount_removable=0/g' /home/user1/.config/pcmanfm/lubuntu/pcmanfm.conf 

but works after reboot or after restart display manager service. don't wanna of instead trying find way out such once change pcmanfm.conf file restart service (or process) , reflect changes on system , under gui without rebooting or restarting display manager.

i stuck here, please help.

"mistakes proof trying" - (unknown)

yes, made silly mistake , when knew in off mind. colleague pointed out me , "oh no!! how did missed ??". anyway.

the solution here given following 2 steps below.

1) after changing settings (using sed command) kill pcmanfm process.

killall pcmanfm 

2) restart pcmanfm process.

pcmanfm --desktop --profile lubuntu --display :0 & 

donot forget restart background process (see & in above commnad).


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