16.04 - Safe way to remove a Chroot environment - Ask Ubuntu

i created chroot environment test old release without reinstalling operating system. done it. remove since has large footprint.

i tempted delete folder in /var/lib/schroot/ maybe better ask here.

is there safe way remove it?

edit: can't remember exact steps used create it. not appear command schroot -l

userk@dopamine:$ schroot -l chroot:indigo_trusty chroot:ros_trusty 

these ones created couple of months ago , located in /srv/

userk@dopamine:/var/lib$ ll /srv/chroot/ total 16 drwxr-xr-x  4 root root 4096 feb 17  2016 ./ drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 nov  3  2015 ../ drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 4096 feb 17  2016 indigo_trusty/ drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 4096 feb 17  2016 ros_trusty/ 

the chroot safely delete 1 in /var/lib/. here output of tree -l 2

schroot/ ├── mount │   └── indigo_trusty-d4bb07e4-806f-4e23-83c2-5ebbfbd9054e │       ├── bin │       ├── boot │       ├── dev │       ├── etc │       ├── home │       ├── lib │       ├── lib64 │       ├── media │       ├── mnt │       ├── opt │       ├── proc │       ├── root │       ├── run │       ├── sbin │       ├── srv │       ├── sys │       ├── tmp │       ├── usr │       └── var ├── session │   └── indigo_trusty-d4bb07e4-806f-4e23-83c2-5ebbfbd9054e ├── union │   ├── overlay │   └── underlay └── unpack 


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