Can I run VMWare Horizon View Client on 16.04 LTS? - Ask Ubuntu

i upgraded 14.04 16.04 , tried locating vmware horizon view client package using steps outlined here: how install vmware view client?

i received following error :

e: unable locate package vmware-view-client 

therefore, seems not yet available in repositories 16.04.

it looks can downloaded vmware website. assist process, there threads installing vmware view client downloaded website above , getting work such this one.

i new ubuntu , unsure if there greater security risk installing directly vmware website system not receive periodic package updates. however, able install package website above. unfortunately, when tried connect employer's server, jump login screen. able connect employer's server on machine running windows, , problem isolated case.

should expect package added repositories 16.04? if need stick direct download vmware website, there additional packages need installed vmware horizon view client work correctly on 16.04?


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