language - How to the ISU thousands separator (space) ? - Ask Ubuntu

i have regional formats set "english (ireland)" in home system. however, produces numbers coma thousand separator in programmes dependant on setting, e.g.:


ireland (as other countries in world) signatory international system of units. therefore the thousands separator should space character, e.g.:

1 234 567.89

how can change thousands separator space?

i don't find locale in ubuntu combines space thousands separator , dot decimal point. maybe want file bug it.

anyway, can fix modifying en_ie locale. regards lc_numeric data copies them en_gb locale, 1 way fix edit en_gb locale definition file , regenerate irish locale:

sudo sed -ri 's/^(thousands_sep +)"<u002c>"/\1"<u0020>"/' /usr/share/i18n/locales/en_gb sudo locale-gen en_ie.utf-8 


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