Telegram only runs with sudo - Ask Ubuntu

i don't know why, can run telegram sudo. downloaded tar , extracted contents in /usr/local/telegram.

i can open program with:

sudo /usr/local/telegram/telegram  

but not with


if second one, error log:

[2016.10.31 12:53:39] launched version: 10019, alpha: [false], beta: 0, debug mode: [false], test dc: [false] [2016.10.31 12:53:39] executable dir: , name:  [2016.10.31 12:53:39] initial working dir: /home/iguarna/ [2016.10.31 12:53:39] working dir: /home/iguarna/.local/share/telegramdesktop/ [2016.10.31 12:53:39] arguments: "telegram" [2016.10.31 12:53:39] fatal: not open '/home/iguarna/.local/share/telegramdesktop/log_startxx.txt' writing log! [2016.10.31 12:53:39] connecting local socket /tmp/95578c71afe4942c16be0fb6f3bfa82f-{87a94ab0-e370-4cde-98d3-acc110c5967d}... [2016.10.31 12:53:39] instance of telegram, starting server , app... 

what reason?

the error message fatal: not open '/home/iguarna/.local/share/telegramdesktop/log_startxx.txt' writing log! shows did run telegram root, , created log file (as root), now, regular user cannot write root-owned log file. fix by:

sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) /home/iguarna/.local/share/telegramdesktop/log_startxx.txt   

where run program immaterial. run program important.


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