mouse - Middle click on touch pad not working - Ask Ubuntu

i got new xps 13, ubuntu installed. tried use 3-finger-tap middle-click, didn't work, here synclient settings now:

leftedge                = 48 rightedge               = 1168 topedge                 = 36 bottomedge              = 644 fingerlow               = 25 fingerhigh              = 30 maxtaptime              = 180 maxtapmove              = 61 maxdoubletaptime        = 100 singletaptimeout        = 180 clicktime               = 100 emulatemidbuttontime    = 0 emulatetwofingerminz    = 282 emulatetwofingerminw    = 7 vertscrolldelta         = -27 horizscrolldelta        = -27 vertedgescroll          = 0 horizedgescroll         = 0 cornercoasting          = 0 verttwofingerscroll     = 1 horiztwofingerscroll    = 1 minspeed                = 1 maxspeed                = 1.75 accelfactor             = 0.143575 touchpadoff             = 0 lockeddrags             = 0 lockeddragtimeout       = 5000 rtcornerbutton          = 2 rbcornerbutton          = 3 ltcornerbutton          = 0 lbcornerbutton          = 0 tapbutton1              = 1 tapbutton2              = 3 tapbutton3              = 2 clickfinger1            = 1 clickfinger2            = 3 clickfinger3            = 0 circularscrolling       = 0 circscrolldelta         = 0.1 circscrolltrigger       = 0 circularpad             = 0 palmdetect              = 1 palmminwidth            = 10 palmminz                = 200 coastingspeed           = 20 coastingfriction        = 50 pressuremotionminz      = 30 pressuremotionmaxz      = 160 pressuremotionminfactor = 1 pressuremotionmaxfactor = 1 resolutiondetect        = 1 grabeventdevice         = 0 tapanddraggesture       = 1 arealeftedge            = 0 arearightedge           = 0 areatopedge             = 0 areabottomedge          = 0 horizhysteresis         = 6 verthysteresis          = 6 clickpad                = 1 rightbuttonarealeft     = 608 rightbuttonarearight    = 0 rightbuttonareatop      = 557 rightbuttonareabottom   = 0 middlebuttonarealeft    = 0 middlebuttonarearight   = 0 middlebuttonareatop     = 0 middlebuttonareabottom  = 0 


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