pdf - Issue with PDFMod since upgrading to 16.04 - Ask Ubuntu
for years had been using pdfmod
move, rotate, delete, , add pages pdf. thought useful little package.
unfortunately, since upgraded ubuntu 16.04 6 months ago can open half documents it. error message says error loading document
followed full name of file.
anyone encountered same issue? has been able fix this? there alternative pdfmod may work better/more consistently.
in case familiar, , debugging purposes, here output when ran pdfmod
command line file produces error:
pdfmod carretero_discovery_2016_proposal_02-references.pdf [1 debug 15:17:15.984] starting pdfmod 0.9.1 [1 debug 15:17:15.992] initializing i18n catalog /usr/share/locale/ [1 debug 15:17:16.098] loaded custom accelmap /home/username/.config/pdfmod/gtk_accel_map [1 debug 15:17:16.113] cache directory set /home/username/.cache/pdfmod [1 debug 15:17:16.622] loaded problem-file.pdf [3 warn 15:17:16.779] caught exception - pdfsharp.pdf.io.pdfreaderexception: cannot handle iref streams. current implementation of pdfsharp cannot handle pdf feature introduced acrobat 6. (in `pdfsharp') @ pdfsharp.pdf.io.parser.readxreftableandtrailer (pdfsharp.pdf.pdfreferencetable xreftable) <0x406c5410 + 0x002cb> in <filename unknown>:0 @ pdfsharp.pdf.io.parser.readtrailer () <0x406c3e00 + 0x000cb> in <filename unknown>:0 @ pdfsharp.pdf.io.pdfreader.open (system.io.stream stream, system.string password, pdfdocumentopenmode openmode, pdfsharp.pdf.io.pdfpasswordprovider passwordprovider) <0x406c17a0 + 0x002b3> in <filename unknown>:0 @ pdfsharp.pdf.io.pdfreader.open (system.string path, system.string password, pdfdocumentopenmode openmode, pdfsharp.pdf.io.pdfpasswordprovider provider) <0x406c15c0 + 0x00077> in <filename unknown>:0 @ pdfsharp.pdf.io.pdfreader.open (system.string path, pdfdocumentopenmode openmode, pdfsharp.pdf.io.pdfpasswordprovider provider) <0x406c1580 + 0x00023> in <filename unknown>:0 @ pdfmod.pdf.document.load (system.string uri, pdfsharp.pdf.io.pdfpasswordprovider passwordprovider, boolean isalreadytmp) <0x406b9000 + 0x00277> in <filename unknown>:0 @ pdfmod.gui.client+<loadpath>c__anonstorey0.<>m__0 () <0x406b8830 + 0x001bf> in <filename unknown>:0 [3 error 15:17:16.783] error loading document - there error loading /home/username/problem-file.pdf
you'd have use 1.50 or later version of pdfmod, accordingly forum it's version iref streams handled.
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