16.04 - Could anyone help me with mouse speed please? - Ask Ubuntu
my mouse way fast , bugs me. looking solution none of them worked me.
"xinput --list --short" output:
⎡ virtual core pointer id=2 [master pointer (3)] ⎜ ↳ virtual core xtest pointer id=4 [slave pointer (2)] ⎜ ↳ etps/2 elantech touchpad id=12 [slave pointer (2)]
"xinput --list-props"etps/2 elantech touchpad"" output:
device 'etps/2 elantech touchpad': device enabled (139): 1 coordinate transformation matrix (141): 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 libinput tapping enabled (273): 0 libinput tapping enabled default (274): 0 libinput tapping drag enabled (275): 1 libinput tapping drag enabled default (276): 1 libinput tapping drag lock enabled (277): 0 libinput tapping drag lock enabled default (278): 0 libinput accel speed (279): 0.000000 libinput accel speed default (280): 0.000000 libinput natural scrolling enabled (281): 0 libinput natural scrolling enabled default (282): 0 libinput send events modes available (257): 1, 1 libinput send events mode enabled (258): 0, 0 libinput send events mode enabled default (259): 0, 0 libinput left handed enabled (283): 0 libinput left handed enabled default (284): 0 libinput scroll methods available (285): 1, 1, 0 libinput scroll method enabled (286): 1, 0, 0 libinput scroll method enabled default (287): 1, 0, 0 libinput disable while typing enabled (288): 0 libinput disable while typing enabled default (289): 1 device node (260): "/dev/input/event6" device product id (261): 2, 14 libinput drag lock buttons (290): <no items> libinput horizonal scroll enabled (262): 1
i tried mess around "xset m" doesn't anything.
edit: lenovo z50-70
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