Error at launch touchpad-indicator - Ask Ubuntu

i'm interested installing touchpad-indicator when try open it crash. here error:

error image

in terminal, type cat ~/.config/touchpad-indicator/touchpad-indicator.conf , output should something like:

 {"disable_on_exit": false, "show_notifications": true, "is_working": true, "on_m ouse_plugged": false, "disable_on_typing": true, "vertedgescroll": true, "start_ hidden": false, "enable_on_exit": true, "horizedgescroll": true, "natural_scroll ing": false, "shortcut_enabled": false, "first-time": false, "tapbutton2": 3, "s econds": 5.0, "verttwofingerscroll": true, "tapbutton1": 1, "horiztwofingerscrol l": true, "disable_touchpad_on_start_indicator": false, "shortcut": "c", "touchpad_enabled": true, "circularscrolling": false, "version": "1.1.0-0 extras15.04.3-src", "autostart": true, "theme": "dark", "tapbutton3": 0} 

if doesn't exist, or it's empty, create empty json file typing:

echo '{}' > ~/.config/touchpad-indicator/touchpad-indicator.conf 

and see if allows touchpad-indicator start.


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