networking - Ubuntu 16.04.1 WiFi works only after several reboots - Ask Ubuntu

here link information wireless info script:

the system date.

my laptop's wifi show list of available connections , show connected without issue won't able use internet or ping router. restarting network manager doesn't seem anything.

so far thing can work reboot 3-5 times until randomly decides work. if reboot after starts working have reboot several times again before starts working again.

can fixed? how?

edit: forgot mention stops working if suspend.

if can change router encryption, change wpa2-psk or wpa2-aes only, no wpa, wep, or tkip.

then disable ufw blocking mdns traffic.

reboot , see if issues gone, if not can disable power management

sudo sed -i 's/wifi.powersave = 3/wifi.powersave = 2/' /etc/networkmanager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf

then reboot again , see if fixed


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