MAAS 2.1 on 16.10 cannot deploy a trusty machine (disks missing) - Ask Ubuntu

i have maas 2.1 setup on ubuntu 16.10 linked local kvm. need deploy 14.04 trusty machine never succeeds. can successfuly deploy 16.04 xenial machines try deploy 14.04 goes failed deployment state.

it seems curtin not detect vda disks. have tried many things using sda disks in vm no success. log in maas says kernel install not successful or similar.

commissioning works fine uses 16.04 image, 14.04 install starts cannot succeed. hints? thanks.

maas logs:

node changed status - 'deploying' 'failed deployment'   tue, 08 nov. 2016 22:43:38 marking node failed - installation failed (refer installation log more information). tue, 08 nov. 2016 22:43:38 node installation failure - 'curtin' failed: curtin command install tue, 08 nov. 2016 22:43:38 node installation failure - 'curtin' failed: configuring installed system   tue, 08 nov. 2016 22:43:35 node installation failure - 'curtin' failed: running 'curtin curthooks' tue, 08 nov. 2016 22:43:35 node installation failure - 'curtin' failed: curtin command curthooks   tue, 08 nov. 2016 22:43:31 node installation failure - 'curtin' failed: installing kernel 

are deploying physical hardware? if seems trusty kernel not have drivers access disks. try deploying trusty hwe-x xenial kernel. should allow trusty access disks on machine.

the best way since hardware needs @ least hwe-x no matter deploy. set minimum hardware kernel "ga-16.04".


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