plugins - How to get mp3 decoding to work with gstreamer 0.10 on ubuntu 16.04? - Ask Ubuntu
after upgrading ubuntu 14.04 16.04, favourite application stopped playing music error message:
** message: don't know how handle audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, mpegaudioversion=(int)1, layer=(int)3, rate=(int)44100, channels=(int)2, parsed=(boolean)true pid:17764: (media plugin) processgstevents:273: gst error: not have decoder installed handle file. might need install necessary plugins. pid:17764: (media plugin) processgstevents:273: gst error: internal data flow error.
investigation shows codec in gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, doesn't exist anymore in 16.04!? there gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly, application isn't using gstreamer1.0 , doesn't it.
how can plugins back? need 'bad' plugins too.
note tried installing ubuntu-restricted-extras, didn't help.
first tried port application gstreamer1.0, impossible...
in end got music working again following:
wget sudo apt-get install build-essential fakeroot devscripts debhelper docbook-to-man sudo apt-get build-dep gst-plugins-ugly1.0 dpkg-source -x gst-plugins-ugly0.10_0.10.19-2ubuntu5.dsc cd gst-plugins-ugly0.10-0.10.19 vi debian/rules
comment out:
#ifeq (,$(findstring $(deb_host_arch),m68k arm)) #deb_configure_extra_flags += --enable-gtk-doc #endif
because making docs didn't work.
vi debian/control
remove whole gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-doc package: .. description, otherwise if fails create .deb.
deb_host_multiarch="$(dpkg-architecture -qdeb_host_multiarch)" debian/rules -j 8 build-arch fakeroot debian/rules binary sudo dpkg -i ../gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly_0.10.19-2ubuntu5_amd64.deb
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