helpfile - Help installing Chrome OS - Ask Ubuntu

i lost windows 7 recovery disks , product key stupid install ubuntu because i'm not tech savvy. barely learned sudo install apt-get , can't microsoft word on ubuntu college work , have chrome os installed. here questions

1.) can copy of iso chrome os download , install on usb drive? link download great.

2.) thought downloaded iso called chromium when restarted , presses f10 boot options usb not showing says ubuntu , couple things ubuntu test.

3.) terminal commands may need can extract , install chrome can boot chrome.

what want chrome os can boot to. simple if have time if can describe easy step step instructions on can find chrome os, how file onto usb can bootable , how able chrome os booted

1: figure out of computer legacy or uefi. in bios boot options, if there no [uefi] tag next harddrive/usb, legacy. if there is, and/or pc shipped >windows 8, uefi.

2: download latest chromeos image here:

be sure select correct image hardware (amd64=64-bit, x86=32-bit).

3: extract image 7zip:

sudo apt-get install p7zip-full 

and extract terminal

7z x chromiumimage.image.7z 

4: burn image usb, preferably unetbootin.

5: boot usb.

6: when booted, press ctrl+alt+f2. login chronos. password, believe, arnold's builds, password.

7: then, can install chromeos hard disk command



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