Set bash as default program for *.rdp files - Ask Ubuntu

this question has answer here:

i have xfreerdp connection file like:

xfreerdp /v: -sec-nla /cert-ignore 

the file name test.rdp , can run bash in terminal command bash test.rdp

but need run file gui double click.

i'm tryng set bash default open *.rdp files couldn't figure out can that. don't mind changing filename extension

i want know if can run file directly when download chrome.

i found solution: created .desktop file @ /home/username/.local/share/applications/morphin.desktop

[desktop entry] encoding=utf-8 name=morphin exec=/opt/scripts/ icon=/opt/scripts/morphin.png type=application nodisplay=false terminal=false startupnotify=true categories=application;network; hidden=true 

finally can see program in other programs , can launch it.


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