16.04 - Is it ubuntu or my laptop that's the problem? - Ask Ubuntu

i have bought freedos lenovo ideapad 310 laptop , installed ubuntu 16.04.1 lts on it, , updated main software , packages.

the thing computer takes more 30 seconds start. (my desktop pc win10 boots in less 10 seconds) have serious doubts device. (almost) sure can't related ubuntu trusted linux os.

so wonder how can run tests detect exact issue laptop? there tools community uses this?

the difference between starting times may have windows' "fast startup" feature. equates ubuntu's hibernate mode. basically, computer doesn't shut down when tell turn off. transfers info in ram hard drive.

thus, when startup computer, it's not running startup sequences; it's sending info drive ram.

if want ubuntu start well, consider trying use hibernate or suspend functions. can find official reading here.


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