xkb - How to add a new keyboard layout (Custom keyboard layout definition) - Ask Ubuntu
i want copy keyboard layout in /usr/share/x11/xkb/symbols/
, change , produce new layout it.
how can add new keyboard layout (named e.g. "mylayout")?
update #1:
files changed add new layout:
(originally sameir
):// iranian keyboard layout //////////////////////////////////////// // persian layout, // based on // information technology – layout of persian letters , symbols on computer keyboards // isiri 9147 – 1st edition // institute of standards , industrial research of iran // http://www.isiri.org/userstd/downloadstd.aspx?id=9147 // http://behnam.esfahbod.info/standards/isiri-keyboard-9147.pdf // // author: behnam esfahbod <behnam@esfahbod.info> // default partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "pes" { name[group1]= "persian"; include "ir(pes_part_basic)" include "ir(pes_part_ext)" include "nbsp(zwnj2nb3nnb4)" include "level3(ralt_switch)" }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "pes_keypad" { name[group1]= "persian (with persian keypad)"; include "ir(pes_part_basic)" include "ir(pes_part_keypad)" include "nbsp(zwnj2nb3nnb4)" include "level3(ralt_switch)" }; partial hidden alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "pes_part_basic" { // persian digits key <ae01> { [ farsi_1, exclam, grave ] }; key <ae02> { [ farsi_2, 0x100066c, @ ] }; key <ae03> { [ farsi_3, 0x100066b, numbersign ] }; key <ae04> { [ farsi_4, 0x100fdfc, dollar ] }; key <ae05> { [ farsi_5, 0x100066a, percent ] }; key <ae06> { [ farsi_6, multiply, asciicircum ] }; key <ae07> { [ farsi_7, arabic_comma, ampersand ] }; key <ae08> { [ farsi_8, asterisk, enfilledcircbullet ] }; key <ae09> { [ farsi_9, parenright, 0x100200e ] }; key <ae10> { [ farsi_0, parenleft, 0x100200f ] }; // persian letters , symbols key <ad01> { [ arabic_dad, arabic_fathatan, degree ] }; // 2: arabic_sukun key <ad02> { [ arabic_sad, arabic_dammatan, voidsymbol ] }; // 2: arabic_dammatan key <ad03> { [ arabic_theh, arabic_kasratan, 0x13a4 ] }; // 2: arabic_kasratan key <ad04> { [ arabic_qaf, arabic_fathatan, voidsymbol ] }; key <ad05> { [ arabic_feh, arabic_comma, voidsymbol ] }; // 2: arabic_damma key <ad06> { [ arabic_ghain, arabic_semicolon, voidsymbol ] }; // 2: arabic_kasra key <ad07> { [ arabic_ain, arabic_fatha, voidsymbol ] }; key <ad08> { [ arabic_heh, arabic_hamza_above, 0x100202d ] }; // 2: arabic_shadda key <ad09> { [ arabic_khah, bracketright, 0x100202e ] }; key <ad10> { [ arabic_hah, bracketleft, 0x100202c ] }; key <ad11> { [ arabic_jeem, braceright, 0x100202a ] }; key <ad12> { [ arabic_tcheh, braceleft, 0x100202b ] }; key <ac01> { [ arabic_sheen, arabic_fatha, voidsymbol ] }; // 2: arabic_hamzaonwaw key <ac02> { [ arabic_seen, arabic_damma, voidsymbol ] }; // 2: arabic_hamzaonyeh key <ac03> { [ farsi_yeh, arabic_kasra, arabic_alefmaksura ] }; // 2: arabic_yeh key <ac04> { [ arabic_beh, arabic_shadda, voidsymbol ] }; // 1: arabic_hamzaunderalef key <ac05> { [ arabic_lam, 0x10006c0, voidsymbol ] };// 2: arabic_hamzaonalef key <ac06> { [ arabic_alef, arabic_maddaonalef, 0x1000671 ] }; key <ac07> { [ arabic_teh, arabic_tehmarbuta, voidsymbol ] }; key <ac08> { [ arabic_noon, guillemotright, 0x100fd3e ] }; key <ac09> { [ arabic_meem, guillemotleft, 0x100fd3f ] }; key <ac10> { [ arabic_keheh, colon, semicolon ] }; key <ac11> { [ arabic_gaf, quotedbl, quotedbl ] }; // 2: arabic_semicolon key <ab01> { [ arabic_zah, arabic_kaf, voidsymbol ] }; key <ab02> { [ arabic_tah, 0x1000653, voidsymbol ] }; key <ab03> { [ arabic_zain, arabic_jeh, voidsymbol ] }; key <ab04> { [ arabic_ra, arabic_hamzaonwaw ,0x1000656 ] }; // 2: arabic_superscript_alef ٰ key <ab05> { [ arabic_thal, 0x100200c, 0x100200d ] }; key <ab06> { [ arabic_dal, arabic_hamza_above, arabic_hamza_below ] }; key <ab07> { [ arabic_hamzaonyeh, arabic_hamza, ellipsis ] }; // 1: arabic_peh key <ab08> { [ arabic_waw, greater, comma ] }; key <ab09> { [ period, less, apostrophe ] }; key <ab10> { [ slash, arabic_question_mark, question ] }; key <tlde> { [ 0x100200d, division, asciitilde ] }; key <ae11> { [ minus, arabic_tatweel, underscore ] }; key <ae12> { [ equal, plus, 0x1002212 ] }; key <bksl> { [ arabic_peh, bar, 0x1002010 ] }; // 1: backslash }; partial hidden alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "pes_part_ext" { // persian , ascii digits key <ae01> { [ 0x10006f1, exclam, grave, 1 ] }; key <ae02> { [ 0x10006f2, 0x100066c, at, 2 ] }; key <ae03> { [ 0x10006f3, 0x100066b, numbersign, 3 ] }; key <ae04> { [ 0x10006f4, 0x100fdfc, dollar, 4 ] }; key <ae05> { [ 0x10006f5, 0x100066a, percent, 5 ] }; key <ae06> { [ 0x10006f6, multiply, asciicircum, 6 ] }; key <ae07> { [ 0x10006f7, arabic_comma, ampersand, 7 ] }; key <ae08> { [ 0x10006f8, asterisk, enfilledcircbullet, 8 ] }; key <ae09> { [ 0x10006f9, parenright, 0x100200e, 9 ] }; key <ae10> { [ 0x10006f0, parenleft, 0x100200f, 0 ] }; }; partial hidden alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "pes_part_keypad" { // persian digits , mathematical operators key <kpdv> { [ division, xf86_ungrab ] }; key <kpmu> { [ multiply, xf86_cleargrab ] }; key <kpsu> { [ 0x1002212, xf86_prev_vmode ] }; key <kpad> { [ plus, xf86_next_vmode ] }; key <kpen> { [ kp_enter ] }; key <kpeq> { [ equal ] }; key <kp7> { [ kp_home, 0x10006f7 ] }; key <kp8> { [ kp_up, 0x10006f8 ] }; key <kp9> { [ kp_prior, 0x10006f9 ] }; key <kp4> { [ kp_left, 0x10006f4 ] }; key <kp5> { [ kp_begin, 0x10006f5 ] }; key <kp6> { [ kp_right, 0x10006f6 ] }; key <kp1> { [ kp_end, 0x10006f1 ] }; key <kp2> { [ kp_down, 0x10006f2 ] }; key <kp3> { [ kp_next, 0x10006f3 ] }; key <kp0> { [ kp_insert, 0x10006f0 ] }; key <kpdl> { [ kp_delete, 0x100066b ] }; }; //////////////////////////////////////// // kurdish layout partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "ku" { include "tr(ku)" name[group1]= "kurdish (iran, latin q)"; }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "ku_f" { include "tr(ku_f)" name[group1]= "kurdish (iran, f)"; }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "ku_alt" { include "tr(ku_alt)" name[group1]= "kurdish (iran, latin alt-q)"; }; //////////////////////////////////////// // kurdish soranî bahdînî (arabic) keyboard layout, // based on kurdî soranî bahdînî keyboard kurditgroup // based on national iranian keyboard standard (isiri 2901:1994), // additions. // // copyright (c) 2006 erdal ronahî, published under gpl v2 // // special copyright note: author explicitly permitted license // layout under mit/x11 license, details see // https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9541 // // author: erdal ronahî <erdal.ronahi@gmail.com> // // kurdish arabic-latin layout soranî partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "ku_ara" { name[group1]= "kurdish (iran, arabic-latin)"; // other 3-level symbols key <tlde> { [ 0x100200d, division, asciitilde ] }; key <bksl> { [ backslash, bar, ccedilla, ccedilla ] }; // digits key <ae01> { [ 1, exclam, 0x10006f1, grave ] }; key <ae02> { [ 2, at, 0x10006f2, @ ] }; key <ae03> { [ 3, numbersign, 0x10006f3, 0x100066b ] }; key <ae04> { [ 4, dollar, 0x10006f4, 0x100fdfc ] }; key <ae05> { [ 5, percent, 0x10006f5, 0x100066a ] }; key <ae06> { [ 6, asciicircum, 0x10006f6, multiply ] }; key <ae07> { [ 7, ampersand, 0x10006f7, arabic_comma ] }; key <ae08> { [ 8, asterisk, 0x10006f8, enfilledcircbullet ] }; key <ae09> { [ 9, parenright, 0x10006f9, 0x100200e ] }; key <ae10> { [ 0, parenleft, 0x10006f0, 0x100200f ] }; key <ae11> { [ minus, arabic_tatweel, underscore ] }; key <ae12> { [ equal, plus, 0x1002212 ] }; key <ad01> { [ arabic_qaf, x, q, q ] }; key <ad02> { [ arabic_waw, x, w, w ] }; key <ad03> { [ 0x10006d5, arabic_heh, e, e ] }; key <ad04> { [ arabic_ra , 0x1000695, r, r ] }; key <ad05> { [ arabic_teh, arabic_tah, t, t ] }; key <ad06> { [ 0x10006cc, 0x10006ce, y, y ] }; key <ad07> { [ arabic_hamzaonyeh, arabic_hamza, u, u ] }; key <ad08> { [ arabic_hah, arabic_ain, i, ] }; key <ad09> { [ 0x10006c6, arabic_hamzaonwaw, o, o ] }; key <ad10> { [ 0x100067e, arabic_theh, p, p ] }; key <ad11> { [ bracketright, braceright, ucircumflex, ucircumflex ] }; key <ad12> { [ bracketleft, braceleft, scedilla, scedilla ] }; key <ac01> { [ arabic_alef, arabic_maddaonalef, a, ] }; key <ac02> { [ arabic_seen, arabic_sheen, s, s ] }; key <ac03> { [ arabic_dal, arabic_thal, d, d ] }; key <ac04> { [ arabic_feh, arabic_hamzaunderalef, f, f ] }; key <ac05> { [ 0x10006af, arabic_ghain, g, g ] }; key <ac06> { [ arabic_heh, 0x100200c, h, h ] }; key <ac07> { [ 0x1000698, arabic_hamzaonalef, j, j ] }; key <ac08> { [ 0x10006a9, arabic_kaf, k, k ] }; key <ac09> { [ arabic_lam, 0x10006b5, l, l ] }; key <ac10> { [ arabic_semicolon, colon, ecircumflex, ecircumflex ] }; key <ac11> { [ apostrophe, quotedbl, icircumflex, icircumflex ] }; key <ab01> { [ arabic_zain, arabic_dad, z, z ] }; key <ab02> { [ arabic_khah, arabic_sad, x, x ] }; key <ab03> { [ arabic_jeem, 0x1000686, c, c ] }; key <ab04> { [ 0x10006a4, arabic_zah, v, v ] }; key <ab05> { [ arabic_beh, 0x1000649, b, b ] }; key <ab06> { [ arabic_noon, arabic_tehmarbuta, n, n ] }; key <ab07> { [ arabic_meem, arabic_tatweel, m, m ] }; key <ab08> { [ arabic_comma, greater, comma ] }; key <ab09> { [ period, less, apostrophe ] }; key <ab10> { [ slash, arabic_question_mark, question ] }; include "nbsp(zwnj2nb3)" include "level3(ralt_switch)" }; // extras: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // generated keyboard layout file keyboard layout editor. // more software, see http://code.google.com/p/keyboardlayouteditor // // version 0.2, fixed ad09. // // layout ernst tremel, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9365469&postcount=32 // creation of file simos xenitellis. partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "ave" { name[group1] = "avestan"; key <ab01> { [ u10b30, u10b32 ] }; // 𐬰 𐬲 key <ab02> { [ u10b11, u10b12 ] }; // 𐬑 𐬒 key <ab03> { [ u10b17, ue102 ] }; // 𐬗 key <ab04> { [ u10b2c, u10b13 ] }; // 𐬬 𐬓 key <ab05> { [ u10b20, u10b21 ] }; // 𐬠 𐬡 key <ab06> { [ u10b25, u10b27 ] }; // 𐬥 𐬧 key <ab07> { [ u10b28, u10b29 ] }; // 𐬨 𐬩 key <ab08> { [ u10b3c, u10b39 ] }; // 𐬼 𐬹 key <ab09> { [ u10b3e, u10b3d ] }; // 𐬾 𐬽 key <ab10> { [ u10b3f, periodcentered ] }; // 𐬿 · key <ac01> { [ u10b00, u10b01 ] }; // 𐬀 𐬁 key <ac02> { [ u10b2f, u10b31 ] }; // 𐬯 𐬱 key <ac03> { [ u10b1b, u10b1c ] }; // 𐬛 𐬜 key <ac04> { [ u10b1f, u10b16 ] }; // 𐬟 𐬖 key <ac05> { [ u10b14, u10b15 ] }; // 𐬔 𐬕 key <ac06> { [ u10b35, ue100 ] }; // 𐬵 key <ac07> { [ u10b18, u10b24 ] }; // 𐬘 𐬤 key <ac08> { [ u10b10, ue101 ] }; // 𐬐 key <ac09> { [ u10b2e, ue103 ] }; // 𐬮 key <ac10> { [ u10b3b, u10b3a ] }; // 𐬻 𐬺 key <ac11> { [ u10b1d ] }; // 𐬝 key <ad01> { [ u10b22, u10b23 ] }; // 𐬢 𐬣 key <ad02> { [ u10b33, u10b34 ] }; // 𐬳 𐬴 key <ad03> { [ u10b08, u10b09 ] }; // 𐬈 𐬉 key <ad04> { [ u10b2d, u10b26 ] }; // 𐬭 𐬦 key <ad05> { [ u10b19, u10b1a ] }; // 𐬙 𐬚 key <ad06> { [ u10b2b, u10b2a ] }; // 𐬫 𐬪 key <ad07> { [ u10b0e, u10b0f ] }; // 𐬎 𐬏 key <ad08> { [ u10b0c, u10b0d ] }; // 𐬌 𐬍 key <ad09> { [ u10b0a, u10b0b ] }; // 𐬊 𐬋 key <ad10> { [ u10b1e ] }; // 𐬞 key <ad11> { [ u10b06, u10b07 ] }; // 𐬆 𐬇 key <ad12> { [ u10b02, u10b03 ] }; // 𐬂 𐬃 key <ae01> { [ u10b78 ] }; // 𐭸 key <ae02> { [ u10b79 ] }; // 𐭹 key <ae03> { [ u10b7a ] }; // 𐭺 key <ae04> { [ u10b7b ] }; // 𐭻 key <ae05> { [ u10b7c ] }; // 𐭼 key <ae06> { [ u10b7d ] }; // 𐭽 key <ae07> { [ u10b7e ] }; // 𐭾 key <ae08> { [ u10b7f ] }; // 𐭿 key <bksl> { [ u10b04, u10b05 ] }; // 𐬄 𐬅 key <lsgt> { [ u10b04, u10b05 ] }; // 𐬄 𐬅 };
part of
containing modifications:... <layout> <configitem> <name>ir</name> <shortdescription>fa</shortdescription> <description>persian</description> <languagelist> <iso639id>per</iso639id> </languagelist> </configitem> <variantlist> <variant> <configitem> <name>pes_keypad</name> <description>persian (with persian keypad)</description> </configitem> </variant> <variant> <configitem> <name>ku</name> <shortdescription>ku</shortdescription> <description>kurdish (iran, latin q)</description> <languagelist> <iso639id>kur</iso639id> </languagelist> </configitem> </variant> <variant> <configitem> <name>ku_f</name> <shortdescription>ku</shortdescription> <description>kurdish (iran, f)</description> <languagelist> <iso639id>kur</iso639id> </languagelist> </configitem> </variant> <variant> <configitem> <name>ku_alt</name> <shortdescription>ku</shortdescription> <description>kurdish (iran, latin alt-q)</description> <languagelist> <iso639id>kur</iso639id> </languagelist> </configitem> </variant> <variant> <configitem> <name>ku_ara</name> <shortdescription>ku</shortdescription> <description>kurdish (iran, arabic-latin)</description> <languagelist> <iso639id>kur</iso639id> </languagelist> </configitem> </variant> </variantlist> </layout> <layout> <configitem> <name>irwinxp</name> <shortdescription>fa</shortdescription> <description>persian-winxp</description> <languagelist> <iso639id>per</iso639id> </languagelist> </configitem> <variantlist> <variant> <configitem> <name>pes_keypad</name> <description>persian (with persian keypad)</description> </configitem> </variant> <variant> <configitem> <name>ku</name> <shortdescription>ku</shortdescription> <description>kurdish (iran, latin q)</description> <languagelist> <iso639id>kur</iso639id> </languagelist> </configitem> </variant> <variant> <configitem> <name>ku_f</name> <shortdescription>ku</shortdescription> <description>kurdish (iran, f)</description> <languagelist> <iso639id>kur</iso639id> </languagelist> </configitem> </variant> <variant> <configitem> <name>ku_alt</name> <shortdescription>ku</shortdescription> <description>kurdish (iran, latin alt-q)</description> <languagelist> <iso639id>kur</iso639id> </languagelist> </configitem> </variant> <variant> <configitem> <name>ku_ara</name> <shortdescription>ku</shortdescription> <description>kurdish (iran, arabic-latin)</description> <languagelist> <iso639id>kur</iso639id> </languagelist> </configitem> </variant> </variantlist> </layout> <layout> <configitem> <name>iq</name> ...
but now, these changes new persian-winxp
layout not obey irwinxp
, irwinxp
igored. instead ir
controls persian-winxp
update #2:
unity has problem new layout. new layout icon dark. works well.
note: use ubuntu 14.04.
creating custom keyboard layout
for example, i'm looking add new modified english (international altgr dead keys) layout swapped r
& t
. name xy swapped:rt english (international altgr dead keys).
create new symbols file:
sudo nano /usr/share/x11/xkb/symbols/xy
default partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "basic" { name[group1]= "xy swapped:rt english (international altgr dead keys)"; include "us(altgr-intl)" // custom changes: key <ad04> { [ t, t, ediaeresis, ediaeresis ] }; key <ad05> { [ r, r, thorn, thorn ] }; include "level3(ralt_switch)" };
include "us(altgr-intl)"
means inherits key layout key overridden here.you may use keyboard layout editor gui program helps create or edit xkb keyboard layouts. @glutanimate
add new layout declaration
(copy & modifyus
layout section)reference: make new variant keyboard layout available in settings?
sudo gedit /usr/share/x11/xkb/rules/evdev.xml
... <layout> <configitem> <name>xy</name> <shortdescription>en</shortdescription> <description>xy swapped:rt english (international altgr dead keys)</description> <languagelist> <iso639id>eng</iso639id> <iso639id>fra</iso639id> <iso639id>ger</iso639id> </languagelist> </configitem> <variantlist> </variantlist> </layout> ...
delete xkb cache.
sudo rm /var/lib/xkb/*.xkm
to load changes layouts menu close out of gnome-keyboard-preferences , reload, relaunching windows manager should not necessary.
there change in ubuntu version (13.10) causes keyboard settings cache not refresh after files in "/usr/share/x11/xkb/symbols" directory modified. looks changes don't applied. force cache refreshing 1 should delete *.xkm files "/var/lib/xkb".
reference: howto: custom keyboard layout definitions
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xkb-data
reference: why did 13.10 break custom keyboard layout?
reply fix op modifications
(update #1 wrong parent layout) have modified
xkb_symbols "pes_part_basic"
file: that's ok.but
xkb_symbols "pes"
file still:include "ir(pes_part_basic)"
which should be:
include "irwinxp(pes_part_basic)"
(update #2 custom icon) if
. new layout distincten
, appearxy
.most there no icon in
. indicator dynamically generate new 1 may not follow current theme.copy layout icons dark/light mono themes:
sudo cp /usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-dark/status/22/indicator-keyboard-en.svg /usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-dark/status/22/indicator-keyboard-xy.svg sudo cp /usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-light/status/22/indicator-keyboard-en.svg /usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-light/status/22/indicator-keyboard-xy.svg
svg files xml. open editing , change text value
:sudo nano /usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-dark/status/22/indicator-keyboard-xy.svg sudo nano /usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-light/status/22/indicator-keyboard-xy.svg
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> <svg width="22" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" height="22"> <defs> <mask id="m"> <rect y="0" x="0" style="fill:#fff" height="22" width="22"/> <text y="15.5" x="5" style="font-size:12;font-family:ubuntu;font-weight:500;fill:black">xy</text> </mask> </defs> <rect style="fill:#dfdbd2" mask="url(#m)" rx="2" height="20" width="20" y="1" x="1"/> </svg>
update theme cache:
sudo update-icon-caches /usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-*/
other helpful references
- how modify keyboard layout in linux (thanks @rmano)
- building xkb keyboard (thanks @glutanimate)
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