command line - Change background colour in Xterm - Ask Ubuntu

i want change xterm's (not gnome terminal) background colour in ubuntu 16.04 there happens no title bar. not find xresources file.

also, want colour change permanent not during session. , 1 more thing cannot execute commands during session because xterm window being launched other program (to specific program "code blocks"). please me sort out issue.

xterm screenshot:

enter image description here

i believe happened don't have one, create file named .xresources on home directory:

touch ~/.xresources 

then add following lines .xresources file:

xterm*background:(your_background_color) xterm*foreground:(your_foreground_color) 

see list of colors may supported in version of xterm.

you can either restart x or run xdrb command apply change have made:

xrdb ~/.xresources 


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