wireless - How can I check from the command-line if my integrated Wi-Fi adapter is disabled? - Ask Ubuntu

i disabled integrated wi-fi adapter of thinkpad x230 in bios settings. still-enabled status led makes me doubt disabled.

is there command prove whether or not integrated wi-fi adapter disabled?

while zanna's answer correct on connection level, can check if actual device disconnected or disabled using command

nmcli device status 

it show in color network devices either disconnected or unavailable status. while

  • disconnected means device enabled, disconnected connection
  • unavailable means device disabled.

this output when wifi device disabled.

device                                    type      state         connection      ttyusb0                                   gsm       connected     myisp web  ab:cd:ef:gh:ij:kl                         bt        disconnected  --              enp0s29f7u5                               ethernet  unavailable   --              enp6s0                                    ethernet  unavailable   --              hfp/org/bluez/hci0/dev_ab_cd_ef_gh_ij_kl  gsm       unavailable   --              wlp4s0                                    wifi      unavailable   --              lo                                        loopback  unmanaged     --              

the particular line shows when enabled, disconnected

$ nmcli device status device                                    type      state         connection      wlp4s0                                    wifi      disconnected  --              


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