16.04 - Downgrading gcc and libc6 to fulfill CUDA 8 requirements on Ubuntu 16.10 - Ask Ubuntu

a few days ago have switched fedora ubuntu have better cuda support, i've faced problems downgrading gcc , glibc/libc6 packages fulfill cuda 8 requirements.

but let's start @ beginning. couple days ago i've installed ubuntu 16.10 yakkety intention install cuda 8 drivers & toolkit. i've compared current versions cuda 8 requirements docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-installation-guide-linux/ :

cuda 8 requirements are:

  • ubuntu 16.04 kernel 4.4.0
  • gcc 5.3.1
  • glibc/libc6 2.23

my current setup is:

$ uname -vr 4.8.0-26-generic #28-ubuntu smp tue oct 18 14:39:52 utc 2016  $ dpkg -s gcc | grep version version: 4:6.1.1-1ubuntu2  $ dpkg -s libc6 | grep version version: 2.24-3ubuntu1 

i thought downgrading simple typing 1 of following:

sudo apt-get install gcc=5.3.1  sudo apt-get install gcc=5.3 

unfortunatelly, versions not found yaketty. checked @ packages.ubuntu.com (and apt-cache policy) appropriate versions xenial , yakkety there's gcc-5 (5.4.1-2ubuntu2) , 2.24-3ubuntu1 libc6.

to sum up:

  • i downgrade gcc 5.3.1 , glibc/libc6 2.23 , somehow manage these alternatives. prefer update-alternatives rather using symbolic links directly (to take care of not exectuables, libraries).

  • could downgrade preserving 100% stability adding moment xenial repository list in: software & updates > other software ?

  • assuming manage downgrade gcc & libc6, install cuda 8 on current higher kernel 4.8.0 (insetead of 4.4.0) without loss in stability? (so far i've been using cuda on kernel versions mentioned in installation guide.)

thank in advance help.

p.s. i'm newbie ubuntu (only fedora & rhel far), problem trivial.

if had specific set of requirements required aspects of 16.04 aspects of 16.10, take easy way out , either dual boot both 16.04 , 16.10 or run 16.10 in vm under virtualbox running on 16.04 host. think alternate approach result in far more stable operations attempting mix packages designed 1 other. (granted works, it's not i'd count on.)

to dual boot, tell 16.04 installer install alongside existing 16.10 installation during install process.

virtualbox can installed via software center. documentation available, , if stuck there many of here eager specific difficulties


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