gnome - Devilspie window focus - Ask Ubuntu

i'm on ubuntu gnome 16.04 , i'm using devilspie undecorate gnome terminal windows. works except when terminal window launched, not focused , shortcuts alt-tab, alt-`, or alt-esc not work @ (not ctrl-alt-tab). have click on window mouse pointer , window focused , normal. know may seem minor annoyance in way of me feeling warm , cozy on desktop :-)

my .ds file gnome terrminal looks this:

(if (is (window_role) "borderless")    (begin     (undecorate)   ) ) 

so went through manpage again , realized had add (focus) parameter .ds file. looks this:

(if (is (window_role) "borderless")    (begin     (undecorate)     (focus)   ) ) 

works charm :)


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