segmentation fault when using tar with --listed-incremental - Ask Ubuntu

when run script invoke tar option "--listed-incremental", segmentation fault. have loop parses through 6 filesystems (a combination of ordinary partitions , lvm logical volumes), 1 subdirectory. first time run the script, fine , tar files , snar (snapshot) files created. second time run script, should create incremental tar files based on changes per snar file. every 1 of filesystem backups crash segmentation fault, subdirectory backup processes okay. here's script output (i precede tar call echo print out tar parameters, , print out exit code following tar call):

tar --create --one-file-system --no-check-device --auto-compress --warning=no-file-ignored --file=/home/randy/backup/home4/pictures/update-week-40-to-43/pictures-week-40-to-43.1.tar /home/randy/pictures  --listed-incremental=/home/randy/backup/home4/pictures/update-week-40-to-43/pictures-week-40-to-43.snar  /home/randy/backup/bkup-scripts2/source/ line 361:  8831 segmentation fault      (core dumped) tar "${archive_opts_a[@]}" "${file_opt}" "${source_directory}" "${exclude_opt}" "${increment_opt}" &>> "${gc_logfile}"  >>> error in creating tar update.  error value: 139 

line 361 declaration line of function in tar command located.

i can run tar without "--listed-incremental" option , runs fine, no problems. problem when use option.

i did research on , found link

but person able solve problem coping version of tar location. did clean/check/autoremove/update/upgrade, no effect. have run both in ubuntu 14.04 (kernel 3.19.0-28) , xubuntu 16.04 (kernel 4.04-43) same result.

i did more research, , found bug report

from 2010 stating bug discovered in tar version 1.23, patch created, , fixed. 6 years ago, , have exact same problem (tar version 1.28.2-1). has problem reappeared after these years? assume i'm not 1 using "--listed-incremental" option. there wrong command line?


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