16.04 - ini files missing when installing php extensions ubuntu 16 php 7 - Ask Ubuntu

ok has fundamentally changed ubuntu 16 , php7 regarding installing php extensions?

i upgraded server ubuntu 14 16. server needs run own cloud. cannot rebuild scratch :/

apt-cache search php- | less

it lists expected available extentions.. eg here snippet:

... php-icinga - php library communicate , use icinga php-igbinary - igbinary php serializer php-imagick - provides wrapper imagemagick library php-irods-prods - php client api irods php-jmespath - declaratively specify how extract elements json document php-json-patch - produce , apply json-patch objects php-json-schema - implementation of json schema 

so went ahead , installed php imagemagick: apt-get install php-imagick

the last line of installation warning: module imagick ini file doesn't exist under /etc/php/7.0/mods-available

sure enough under .../mods-available there no ini file imagik.

what cause of know?

i toying either, php not installed or system somehow has multiple php versions installed , there kind of collision going on somewhere.. in usr/bin can see php@ , php7.0*

i'm stuck though.

  1. the modules .so files.
  2. they live @ /usr/lib/php/<buildnumber>/<modulename>.so
  3. the ini files in /etc/php/7.0/mods-available map 1 of above .so files ie contain single line of real importance extension=<modulename>
  4. running phpenmod <modulename> nothing more creating reference file in /etc/php/7.0/apache/conf.d & /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d folder.

so in short.. need ensure .so file exists, ini file in mods available exists , being referenced in relevant place, eg apache, fpm or cli.

hope helps in same pos was.

as mentioned in 1 of comments there posisble bug regarding php , mysql... in load order. alphabetical ordering of reference files in /etc/php/7.0/apache/conf.d order modules loaded php. if mysqli issues, try ensuring mysqlnd module loaded before mysqli module... fixed things me.


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