dual boot - Android Studio standalone sdk manager doesn't start - Ask Ubuntu

i have dual boot system windows 10 (64 bit) , ubuntu 16.04 (64 bit). have android studio installed in windows , sdk folder located @


i have installed android studio in ubuntu , changed sdk location in ubuntu installation to

/mnt/c drive/users/username/appdata/local/android/sdk 

android studio recognized platforms , tools installed (i have packages downloaded, hence trying use single sdk path , save disk space). when tried open standalone sdk manager nothing happened. copied files from



/mnt/c drive/users/username/appdata/local/android/sdk 

and didn't replace existing file. noticed files ubuntu had same name corresponding files in windows ubuntu executables. example files in windows had .exe or .bat extension while ones in ubuntu had no extension though both had same name. opening files gedit , comparing same files .bat extension showed different file contents. figured copying files belong ubuntu installation without replacing files windows installation should fix problem.

now, when start standalone sdk manager, 'starting sdk manager' popup shows nothing happens after that. there else i'm missing here? help.

try installing oracle java

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer 

make sure first remove open jdk (if installed) avoid conflict >>> check java version >>> terminal >> java -version


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