maas - Importing images hangs at Importing Region - Ask Ubuntu

fresh install , can't images import. see following in maas.log:

nov  9 13:00:26 bme-maas maas.import-images: [info] downloading image descriptions nov  9 13:00:30 bme-maas maas.bootsources: [info] updated boot sources cache. nov  9 13:00:30 bme-maas maas.bootresources: [info] started importing of boot images 1 source(s). nov  9 13:00:30 bme-maas maas.import-images: [info] downloading image descriptions nov  9 13:00:32 bme-maas maas.bootresources: [info] importing images source: nov  9 13:16:17 bme-maas maas.import-images: [info] started importing boot images. nov  9 13:16:17 bme-maas maas.import-images: [info] downloading image descriptions http://localhost:5240/maas/images-stream/streams/v1/index.json nov  9 13:16:32 bme-maas maas.import-images: [info] finished importing boot images, region not have new images. nov  9 13:36:18 bme-maas maas.import-images: [info] started importing boot images. nov  9 13:36:18 bme-maas maas.import-images: [info] downloading image descriptions http://localhost:5240/maas/images-stream/streams/v1/index.json nov  9 13:36:19 bme-maas maas.import-images: [info] finished importing boot images, region not have new images. 

edit: starting gui maas 2.0 on ubuntu 16.04. tried reinstall of entire os scratch , encountered same issue. started try via creating local copy ended going trying url.

here's sosreport if helps

i try import using cli see if gives more insight problem, or potentially resolves problem.

it's pretty idea able use cli well, it's easier , quicker use. first start installing maas-cli. maas-region command return api key user specified. login username/profile name, , api key retrieved. version read make sure we're logged in , ready. issue boot-resources import command , 2.0 automatically import 16.04.

sudo apt-get install maas-cli sudo maas-region apikey --username root maas login username '<key>' maas username version read maas username boot-resources import 


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