partitioning - How can I move my /home directory to another partition if it's already part of the / partition? - Ask Ubuntu

i have wonderful running maverick meerkat install going on right now. want move /home partition per many suggestions.

how can go doing without reinstalling entire ubuntu system? can create partition gparted , change mount point of /home in fstab reflect or bit more difficult?

yes, matter of adding new entry /etc/fstab , copying files over.

i suggest using uuids partition identifier in fstab, syntax similar this:

uuid=abcdabcd-acbd-abcd-abcd-abcdabcd /home ext4 defaults 0 2 

copying best done root, "-a" flag passed cp. also, better play safe , not remove files immediately:

cp -a /home/* /path/to/new/partition/ mv /home /old_home mkdir /home 

note user directories must straight inside partition, not in /partition/home/


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