16.04 - How to convert this upstart to systemd? - Ask Ubuntu

i used upstart in ubuntu 14.04 , worked fine:

start on runlevel [2345] respawn  script         cd /media/sf_acebot         exec /usr/bin/mono /media/sf_acebot/ace\ bot.exe >> /media/sf_acebot/log.txt end script 

now want have same thing in ubuntu 16.04 in systemd. have written service below:

[service] workingdirectory=/media/sf_acebot execstart=/usr/bin/mono /media/sf_acebot/ace\ bot.exe  [install] wantedby=multi-user.target 

there 2 problems:

  1. how can redirect output? >> mark not work.
  2. when start service, waits exec stop. mean can press ctl+c stops service.

please me fix systemd.


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