keyboard - How to bind super-c and super-v to copy and paste in gnome-terminal? - Ask Ubuntu

i want use super + c instead of ctrl + shift + c gnome terminal copy , paste. i've set in preferences -> shortcuts, doesn't seem work.

other super shortcuts super + t new tab work correctly.

anyone know how fix this?

screenshot of preferences window:

enter image description here

you can achieve using xmodmap commands:

remove mod4 = super_l keysym super_l = control_l add control = control_l 

save above lines super_as_ctrl.xmodmap. test executing

xmodmap super_as_ctrl.xmodmap 

to make change permanent (surviving re-login/reboot) rename file .xmodmap in home folder.

(tested on ubuntu 14.x live system)

ps: make use of other windows button. not sure how that.


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