software installation - How to install Intel XDK in ubuntu 14.04? - Ask Ubuntu

tried install intel xdk process stops after ls xdk_web_linux64. extracted cannot ls says cannot access.

no such file or directory 

the intel sdk software provided in .tgz compressed file needs extracted before else. although mentioned it extracted, considering trouble commands, i'll start mentioning couple of way it, in case.

the gui way

right-click file - xdk_web_linux64_3641.tgz - , select extract here or double-click , extract anywhere (in /home/your_username). end result either way should folder named xdk_web_linux64_3641.

the command line way

open terminal ctrl+alt+t or search in dash. then:

cd /home/your_username/downloads 

note: above assumes downloaded file in downloads folder. replace downloads actual name of folder , your_username username.

next, in order extract it, please do:

tar -xvzf xdk_web_linux64_3641.tgz 

the end result should same aforementioned extract here...

now cd extracted folder , do


to start installer. follow instructions complete installation.


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