gnome - Difference between various similar packages 14.04 repo - Ask Ubuntu

there similar packages in ubuntu 14.04 repositories:

what difference in these three?

they're each different packages, , while 'similar' in sense they're metapackages, vastly different each other.

ubuntu-desktop metapackage standard ubuntu desktop , suite of apps ubuntu desktop isos install (unity, selected software suites, etc.); it's been present in repos since ubuntu desktop created. can see 'depends' on (and installs) @ it's listing on (this link shows xenial version of package; this link shows trusty version).

ubuntu-gnome-desktop similar, entire ubuntu gnome desktop isos' installed software , has been available since ubuntu gnome flavor has been around (pure gnome without unity, etc.). (this link shows xenial version of package , dependencies on above; this link shows trusty version of package)

gnome-desktop-environment transitional package, left in place 'upgrade' compatibility older operating systems newer operating systems. metapackage in 14.04 (and not later) installs gnome package. (this link shows this). handled differently later on, transitional package not needed anymore (probably installing gnome or similar in later versions).


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