compiling - Writing "bash" script to create LINUX environment - Ask Ubuntu
i need compile open-source software "earthworm",but stuck it;the "readme" guide says edit file create linux environment when "make" writes:
set platform env var linux gnu systems or solaris solaris systems makefile:118: set di istruzioni per l'obiettivo "unix_libs" non riuscito make: *** [unix_libs] errore 1
(it's italian language)
i don't know how change it,here's file:
# create earthworm environment on linux! # file should sourced bourne shell wanting # run or build earthworm system under linux. # running ew on linux box if ports used, make sure # selected ports wave_serverv or exports below range specified # kernel dynamic port allocation # (see sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range) # set environment variables describing earthworm directory/version # use value elsewhere if defined (eg .bashrc) # otherwise use value after :- export ew_home="${ew_install_home:-/opt/earthworm}" export ew_version="${ew_install_version:-earthworm_7.8}" # or set own values directly , #export ew_home=/opt/earthworm #export ew_version=earthworm_7.8 ew_run_dir="${ew_run_dir:-$ew_home/run_working}" # or set own value directly #ew_run_dir=$ew_home/run_working # next env var required if run statmgr: export sys_name=`hostname` # set environment variables used earthworm modules @ run-time # path names must end slash "/" export ew_installation=inst_unknown export ew_params="${ew_run_dir}/params/" export ew_log="${ew_run_dir}/log/" export ew_data_dir="${ew_run_dir}/data/" #set path=( ${ew_home}/${ew_version}/bin $path ) export path="$ew_home/$ew_version/bin:$path" # set environment variables compiling earthworm modules # set ewbits=64 build 64-bit target (note ewbits=64 # size of 'long' type changes 4 bytes 8 bytes) export ewbits=32 # warning flags compiler: export warnflags="-wall -wextra -wno-sign-compare -wno-unused-parameter -wno-unknown-pragmas -wno-pragmas -werror=format" # flags enabling more warnings during code development: #export warnflags="-wall -wextra -wcast-align -wpointer-arith -wbad-function-cast -winline -wundef -wnested-externs -wshadow -wfloat-equal -wno-unused-parameter -werror=format" export globalflags="-m${ewbits} -dlinux -d__i386 -d_linux -d_intel -d_use_sched -d_use_pthreads -d_use_termios -i${ew_home}/${ew_version}/include ${warnflags}" export platform="linux" export link_libs="-lm -lpthread" export keep_state="" # set initial defaults export cflags=${globalflags} export cppflags=${globalflags} # explicit compiler use export cc=`which gcc` # auto-detect fortran compiler , flags # use whichever find first in: g77, f77, gfortran export fflags="-m${ewbits}" if gfortran 1> /dev/null 2>&1 export fc=`which gfortran` elif g77 1> /dev/null 2>&1 export fc=`which g77` elif f77 1> /dev/null 2>&1 export fc=`which f77` fi # alternatively, can hard-code values here: #export fc='...' #export fflags='...'
thank helping me!
it says set environment variable platform linux. set environment variable single command, can type variable=value command
. variable might want set deal language issue lang varibale. run lang=c make
or whatever other command, , instruct program use native language, english, rather normal language. can run export variable=value
set variable remainder of shell session, instead of 1 command.
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