networking - Port opened with ufw marked as closed with nmap - Ask Ubuntu

i'd open port 873 on pc running ubuntu 16.04. ssh pc, type

sudo ufw allow 873 

status can checked sudo ufw status:

status: active                          action      --                         ------      ---- 873                        allow       anywhere                   873 (v6)                   allow       anywhere (v6)              

however, don't think port open, because

nmap localhost -p873 


starting nmap 7.01 ( ) @ 2016-10-21 hh:mm edt nmap scan report localhost ( host (0.00017s latency). port    state  service 873/tcp closed rsync  nmap done: 1 ip address (1 host up) scanned in 0.06 seconds 

why so, , how open port 873?


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