networking - Very slow boot time ubuntu - A start job is running for Raise network interfaces - Ask Ubuntu

i running ubuntu 16.04 , since few days takes around 5 min boot up. looked related questions not find how troubleshoot problem. when run:

systemd-analyze blame 

i utput:

5min 2.242s networking.service      21.128s vboxdrv.service       5.637s networkmanager-wait-online.service       3.436s apt-daily.service        592ms dev-sda1.device        462ms lightdm.service        442ms plymouth-quit-wait.service        389ms libvirt-guests.service 

so guess networking.service causing problem. can me fix that? thank

maybe workaround reduce boot time following answer @, i.e. editing file:

sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/network-online.targets.wants/networking.service 

and changing following line @ end of file:




i have rebooted system , works fine.

if dont want reboot system again, reboot daemon by:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload 


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