server - Failed to kill a process as its user, sudo, and root. What else could I have tried? - Ask Ubuntu

i trying restart program named clamd misbehaving, without restarting server. has utility controlling it, failed work, tried using kill owner of process, , root when failed.

in below image, can see pid never changes, interpret process never having been stopped or restarted.

i unsuccessful , wound restarting server.

what else should have tried?

various commands used in bash while trying kill clamd when was no longer able communicate zimbra processes lives serve

you have tried

kill -1 6533 

this sends sighup process. depending on program re-read it's configs after receiving sighup. not sure if of worked in case doesn't hurt try before restarting.

default kill sends 15 sigterm. sends signal stop processing.

you can list of them this

kill -l 

will show signals can use.


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