xubuntu - Disable touchscreen before login (in the greeter) - Ask Ubuntu

recently broke screen of asus x200e , tactile random thing. manually disable touchscreen

xinput disable id  

i need everytime restart. it's not big issue because alt ctrl t - f11 , can write command without mouse unfocusing terminal , take few secondes.

but prob have no option disable touchscreen during ubuntu install (xubuntu ou ubuntu) , can't disable touchscreen before login (greeter).

do have idea ?

thank's lot, sorry english, i'm baguette ... mean, i'm french.

ps : know if can remove touch glass on screen ? screen under "touch" glass normal screen ? thank's

config : xubuntu 16.04 dual boot win10 - x200e 11.6" i3-3217u 4go

i add xinput disable "whatever name of touch screen" start up. find name of device, run xinput.

for example, here start up:

xinput disable "elan touchscreen" 


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