xorg - not able to run glxdemo from inside lxc container using nvidia - Ask Ubuntu

i have created lxc container of our custom toolchain has many packages. related graphics, have installed nvidia 367.27 driver using nvidia installer inside container(called mk7icontainer)

the nvidia driver libraries/binaries installed @ path /usr/share/nvidia path inside container.

i have installed mesa installed in path /usr inside container.

i compiled glxdemo source code using command as:

gcc -g glxdemo.c -wl,--rpath-link,/usr/share/nvidia/lib -wl,-rpath,/usr/share/nvidia/lib \ -wl,--rpath-link,/usr/share/nvidia/lib/tls -wl,-rpath,/usr/share/nvidia/lib/tls \ -wl,--rpath-link,/usr/share/nvidia/lib/vdpau  -wl,-rpath,/usr/share/nvidia/lib/vdpau \ -wl,--rpath-link,/usr/share/nvidia/lib/xorg/modules -wl,-rpath,/usr/share/nvidia/lib/xorg/modules \ -wl,--rpath-link,/usr/share/nvidia/lib/xorg/modules/drivers -wl,-rpath,/usr/share/nvidia/lib/xorg/modules/drivers \ -wl,--rpath-link,/usr/share/nvidia/lib/xorg/modules/extensions -wl,-rpath,/usr/share/nvidia/lib/xorg/modules/extensions -lx11 -lgl -lglu -lglut -lm -o glxdemo 

inside container, have

display=":0" xauthority=/root/.xauthority 

i starting bash in container using below command:

sudo lxc-attach -n mk7icontainer --clear-env  -- /usr/bin/bash 

my host machine running ubuntu 16.0.4 , installed same nvidia 367.27 driver using installer. running fine. can run glxdemo on host machine without issues.

however, when try run glxdemo inside container ( compiled using above mentioned command), following error:

x error of failed request:  badvalue (integer parameter out of range operation) major opcode of failed request:  154 (glx) minor opcode of failed request:  3 (x_glxcreatecontext) value in failed request:  0x0 serial number of failed request:  24 current serial number in output stream:  25 

anyone got idea wrong here?

i want know how read these errors narrow down problem.

source code glxdemo :

#include <gl/gl.h> #include <gl/glx.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> static void redraw( display *dpy, window w ) {    printf("redraw event\n");    glclear( gl_color_buffer_bit );     glcolor3f( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );    glrectf( -0.8, -0.8, 0.8, 0.8 );    glxswapbuffers( dpy, w ); }  static void resize( unsigned int width, unsigned int height ) {    printf("resize event\n");    glviewport( 0, 0, width, height );    glmatrixmode( gl_projection );    glloadidentity();    glortho( -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0 ); }  static window make_rgb_db_window( display *dpy,                               unsigned int width, unsigned int height ) {    int attrib[] = { glx_rgba,                     glx_red_size, 1,                     glx_green_size, 1,                     glx_blue_size, 1,                     glx_doublebuffer,                     none };    int scrnum;    xsetwindowattributes attr;    unsigned long mask;    window root;    window win;    glxcontext ctx;    xvisualinfo *visinfo;     scrnum = defaultscreen( dpy );    root = rootwindow( dpy, scrnum );     visinfo = glxchoosevisual( dpy, scrnum, attrib );    if (!visinfo) {       printf("error: couldn't rgb, double-buffered visual\n");       exit(1);    }     /* window attributes */    attr.background_pixel = 0;    attr.border_pixel = 0;    attr.colormap = xcreatecolormap( dpy, root, visinfo->visual, allocnone);    attr.event_mask = structurenotifymask | exposuremask;    mask = cwbackpixel | cwborderpixel | cwcolormap | cweventmask;     win = xcreatewindow( dpy, root, 0, 0, width, height,                     0, visinfo->depth, inputoutput,                     visinfo->visual, mask, &attr );     printf("\n xcreatewindow successfull \n");    ctx = glxcreatecontext( dpy, visinfo, null, true );    if (!ctx) {       printf("error: glxcreatecontext failed\n");       exit(1);    }          printf("\n glxcreatecontext successfull \n");     glxmakecurrent( dpy, win, ctx );     return win; }  static void event_loop( display *dpy ) {    xevent event;     while (1) {       xnextevent( dpy, &event );        switch (event.type) {          case expose:             redraw( dpy, event.xany.window );             break;          case configurenotify:             resize( event.xconfigure.width, event.xconfigure.height );             break;       }    } }  int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {    display *dpy;    window win;     dpy = xopendisplay(null);         if(!dpy)         {                 printf("\nerror in xopendisplay\n");         }         printf("\nxopendisplay successfull\n");     win = make_rgb_db_window( dpy, 300, 300 );     printf("\nmake_rgb_db_window successfull \n");    glshademodel( gl_flat );    glclearcolor( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 );     xmapwindow( dpy, win );     event_loop( dpy );    return 0; } 

i able resolve issue.

i had add nvidia device nodes in lxc container config file.

lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 195:* rwm lxc.mount.entry = /dev/nvidia0 dev/nvidia0 none bind,optional,create=file lxc.mount.entry = /dev/nvidiactl dev/nvidiactl none bind,optional,create=file lxc.mount.entry = /dev/nvidia-modeset dev/nvidia-modeset none bind,optional,create=file 


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