cmake - Error package 'sqlite3>=3.7.11' not found - Ask Ubuntu

i clone project github , run cmake, message:

-- checking module 'sqlite3>=3.7.11' --   package 'sqlite3>=3.7.11' not found cmake error @ /usr/share/cmake-2.8/modules/findpkgconfig.cmake:266 (message):   required package not found call stack (most recent call first):   /usr/share/cmake-2.8/modules/findpkgconfig.cmake:320 (_pkg_check_modules_internal)   cmake/modules/findsqlite3.cmake:22 (pkg_check_modules)   src/components/utils/src/sqlite_wrapper/cmakelists.txt:33 (find_package)   -- found sqlite3: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 

my sqlite3 has version:

 sqlite3 --version 2015-05-20 18:17:19 

i install libsqlite3-dev.

the code check sqlite:

if (sqlite3_libraries , sqlite3_include_dirs)   set(sqlite3_found true) else (sqlite3_libraries , sqlite3_include_dirs)   find_package(pkgconfig)   if (pkg_config_found)     pkg_check_modules(_sqlite3 required sqlite3>=3.7.11)   else (pkg_config_found)     message(warning "pkgconfig isn't installed. need sure sqlite3>=3.7.11")   endif (pkg_config_found) 

how can fix error?


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