init - What is /etc/default/ directory called? - Ask Ubuntu

runtime configs? default init configs? init configs? when have explain check /etc/default/files dude...

i asked , i've no idea..

there not clear cut definition /etc/default (the filesystem hierarchy standard not mention it) used "upstream configurations" , specific debian/ubuntu systems).

debian policy manual:

often there variables in init.d scripts values control behavior of scripts, , system administrator want change. scripts conffiles, modifying them requires administrator merge in changes each time package upgraded , conffile changes. ease burden on system administrator, such configurable values should not placed directly in script. instead, should placed in file in /etc/default, typically have same base name init.d script. file should sourced script when script runs. must contain variable settings , comments in susv3 sh format. may either conffile or configuration file maintained package maintainer scripts. see configuration files, section 10.7 more details.

to ensure vital configurable values available, init.d script should set default values each of shell variables uses, either before sourcing /etc/default/ file or afterwards using : ${var:=default} syntax. also, init.d script must behave sensibly , not fail if /etc/default file deleted.

your problem remove ( ;) ): directory removed in future since part of sys-v init , systemd (what use of 16.04) not use it. reason still there compatibility.


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