Nvidia GTX 1050 ti on ubuntu 14.04 - Ask Ubuntu
i upgraded graphics card gtx 1050 ti, screen works fine, don't seem capable of using gpu caffe or cuda.
lucie02@lucie02:~$ lspci | grep vga 01:00.0 vga compatible controller: nvidia corporation device 1c82 (rev a1)
can 1 please help.
as of 14 march 2017, adding zesty apt sources:
deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ zesty main restricted deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ zesty main restricted
and apt-get install nvidia-375
appears work , not drag in unrelated packages zesty. consider experimental (zesty isn't due release month) perhaps less troublesome full purge-and-upstream approach you'd have needed.
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