unity - How to make a show desktop icon in a corner of the screen? - Ask Ubuntu

i know how put show desktop icon in launcher, i'd have 1 in corner.

the reason in launcher have "carefully" click on it, while if it's on corner, can more "aggressive".

edit: i've tested of solutions in answers none accomplishes objective, maybe because didn't accurately: want, in corner,a show desktop icon(or not, don't care if instead have move pointer corner ) such when select it, desktop shown , can work in desktop, example copy file there, open terminal,etc. , then, can go back windows minimized same icon.

@serg 's solution has 2 issues: 1) icon fixed, it's not in corner. 2) doesn't let me go windows minimized.

@heynnema 's solution has major issue icon "shows" desktop, can't work on it: if right-click on empty space open terminal, space might not "empty" in sense if had open window there, right click options displayed 1 of window before being minimize.

@gautamvashisht 's solution seems same heynnema, cause hot corners activated whenever activate in ccsm.

disclaimer: author of indicator , written specific question


ubuntu default doesn't have option move "show desktop" icon - has live on launcher. can have show in alt+tab menu. however, possible create small indicator applet, live in top panel, comes pretty close requirement of placing icon corner of screen. answer provides that


usage simple. save code in ~/bin folder, example me /home/serg/bin/show_desktop_indicator. in order make open every time log ubuntu, search in dash "startup applications", open app, , add full path indicator new command.

you can download zip folder indicator project's github page

essentially, minimizes open windows. there's 2 ways go it. one, can click on indicator icon, , click "show desktop" menu entry, or use middle-mouse click on icon itself.


also available on github

#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-  # # author: serg kolo , contact: 1047481448@qq.com # date: november 5th, 2016 # purpose: appindicator minimizing windows # written for: http://askubuntu.com/q/846067/295286 # tested on: ubuntu 16.04 lts # # # licensed under mit license (mit). # see included license file or notice below. # # copyright © 2016 sergiy kolodyazhnyy # # permission hereby granted, free of charge, person obtaining copy # of software , associated documentation files (the "software"), deal # in software without restriction, including without limitation rights # use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of software, , permit persons whom software # furnished so, subject following conditions: # # above copyright notice , permission notice shall included # in copies or substantial portions of software. # # software provided "as is", without warranty of kind, express or # implied, including not limited warranties of merchantability, # fitness particular purpose , noninfringement. in no event shall # authors or copyright holders liable claim, damages or other # liability, whether in action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, # out of or in connection software or use or other dealings in # software. import gi gi.require_version('appindicator3', '0.1') gi.require_version('notify', '0.7') gi.repository import glib glib gi.repository import appindicator3 appindicator gi.repository import gtk gtk gi.repository import gdk  class showdesktop(object):      def __init__(self):         self.app = appindicator.indicator.new(             'files-indicator', "user-desktop",             appindicator.indicatorcategory.other         )         self.app.set_status(appindicator.indicatorstatus.active)         self.make_menu()      def add_menu_item(self, menu_obj, item_type, image, label, action, args):         """ dynamic function can add menu items depending on             item type , other arguments"""         menu_item, icon = none, none         if item_type gtk.imagemenuitem , label:             menu_item = gtk.imagemenuitem.new_with_label(label)             menu_item.set_always_show_image(true)             if '/' in image:                 icon = gtk.image.new_from_file(image)             else:                 icon = gtk.image.new_from_icon_name(image, 48)             menu_item.set_image(icon)         elif item_type gtk.imagemenuitem , not label:             menu_item = gtk.imagemenuitem()             menu_item.set_always_show_image(true)             if '/' in image:                 icon = gtk.image.new_from_file(image)             else:                 icon = gtk.image.new_from_icon_name(image, 16)             menu_item.set_image(icon)         elif item_type gtk.menuitem:             menu_item = gtk.menuitem(label)         elif item_type gtk.separatormenuitem:             menu_item = gtk.separatormenuitem()         if action:             menu_item.connect('activate', action, *args)          menu_obj.append(menu_item)         menu_item.show()        def make_menu(self):         self.app_menu = gtk.menu()         content = [self.app_menu,gtk.menuitem,                    none,'show desktop',                    self.show_desktop,[none]         ]         self.add_menu_item(*content)         last = none         in self.app_menu.get_children():              last =         self.app.set_secondary_activate_target(last)          content = [self.app_menu,gtk.imagemenuitem,                    'exit','quit',                    self.quit,[none]         ]         self.add_menu_item(*content)         self.app.set_menu(self.app_menu)      def show_desktop(self,*args):         screen = gdk.screen.get_default()         w in screen.get_window_stack():             w.iconify()             w.process_all_updates()      def run(self):         """ launches indicator """         try:             gtk.main()         except keyboardinterrupt:             pass      def quit(self, *args):         """ closes indicator """         gtk.main_quit()   def main():     """ defines program entry point """     indicator = showdesktop()     indicator.run()  if __name__ == '__main__':   try:     main()   except  keyboardinterrupt:     gtk.main_quit() 

indicator in action:

ubuntu kylin icon theme:

enter image description here


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