16.04 - How do I browse files on my android phone (bluetooth or usb)? - Ask Ubuntu

i have moto g4 , trying access files on ubuntu 16.04 system. if connect via usb window pop moto g (4) on top of window. hovering cursor on moto g (4) on sidebar tells me sees mtp://[usb:001,006]/ file explorer empty.

the properties in window says

name: moto g (4) type: folder (inode/directory)  contents: nothing  location: volume: mtp 

i able connect on bluetooth, option have bluetooth toolbar send files. might able send files operating phone, i'd able browse computer decide want pull.

help i've seen online has been mixed, , seems proper methods have changed through different ubuntu releases. i'm using 16.04 lts.

is phone unlocked , in mtp mode?

the common advice online problem connect, pull down notification bar, tap usb connection bubble, , change mtp. in "charge only" mode, phone connects via mtp doesn't present of files.

a known issue g3 (which apparently affects g4 well) mentioned here, identical symptoms:

this known issue marshmallow update on g3 sd card set portable storage (users switched internal storage seem have no issues)... disconnect usb, go settings, apps, , show system apps, find external storage , media storage, , clear data , cache on each 1 , reboot. give 5 min after full boot rebuild media databases , connect usb , select mtp, should go.

in addition, mounting via mtp takes ages no apparent reason. once gave on troubleshooting this, leaving phone connected while worked on different computer. when returned hour later magically working.


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