grep – show lines until certain pattern - Ask Ubuntu
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i on ubuntu 16.04 , want search files let’s “if” , want output until “endif”. file this
if … code endif
i can grep -a9 if my_file | grep -b9 endif
. doesn’t works if “if” clause larger 9 , if several “if” clauses in same file , if first grep command contains several “if” clauses. option -m1
in second grep doesn’t help. nested “if” clauses can ignored. has idea, maybe not grep?
difference how grep multiple patterns on multiple lines?
the question asks solution
answered in question:grep -a9 if my_file | grep -b9 endif
. solution doesn’t work in case work in case of other question.the proposed grep solutions of other question don’t work (with ubuntu?):
grep: ein nicht geschütztes ^ oder $ wird mit -pz nicht unterstützt.
grep: not protected ^ or $ not supported -pz
. use following:root:/tmp# cat file text begin text goes here. end more text root:/tmp# grep -pzo "^begin\$(.|\n)*^end$" file grep: ein nicht geschütztes ^ oder $ wird mit -pz nicht unterstützt
the proposed solutions search pattern start @ beginning of line if interpret proposed solution correctly. if remove
command doen't work.
you can use sed
sed -n '/if/,/endif/p' myfile
don't print until ask it/if/
find first line this,
keep going until.../endif/
last line wantp
print matched lines
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