
Showing posts from July, 2013

Curl --interface issue - Ask Ubuntu

i try specify wireless interface curl, not working properly. when lan cable disconnected, works expected. when lan cable plugged in, connection timed out. see log below, first attempt plugged in lan cable. user@user-latitude-e6410:~/downloads/ats$ sudo curl -o /dev/null --retry 0 --limit-rate 500000 --speed-limit 3000 --speed-time 2 --connect-timeout 5 --interface wlp2s0 --verbose % total % received % xferd average speed time time time current dload upload total spent left speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0* trying * local interface wlp2s0 ip using address family 2 * local port: 0 * connected ( port 80 (#0) > /testfile_20g.bin http/1.1 > host: > user-agent: curl/7.47.0 > accept: */* > < http/1.1 200 o...

16.04 - Is there a command to recall last command for editing with memory of cursor position? - Ask Ubuntu

what mean like, if had command chain: (here | references cursor position before hit enter) $ youtube-dl -f |18 --yes-playlist $ x what command x recall previous command cursor before 18 can edit number super-quickly ? i'm not aware of such shortcut, if want change first occurrence of 18 in line, can use history interaction : ^18^something-else for example: $ ls 18 ls: cannot access '18': no such file or directory $ ^18^2003^ ls 2003 ls: cannot access '2003': no such file or directory $ ^2003^a b^ ls b ls: cannot access 'a': no such file or directory ls: cannot access 'b': no such file or directory

dual boot - How to remove/hide $RECYCLE.BIN and System Volume Information folders? - Ask Ubuntu

i running dual boot (ubuntu 16.10 , windows 10). when boot ubuntu, see 2 folders $recycle.bin , system volume information . besides, in 1 drive see file named pagefile.sys . delete them all, every time boot ubuntu, appear again. can show me how permanently delete them, or @ least hide them because find them annoying. thanks create text file .hidden on hard drive, , add folders wish hide, this: found.000 $recycle.bin recycler system volume information pagefile.sys

networking - Slave steals IP meant for bonded interface - Ask Ubuntu

i'm having issue combo. i'm trying set lacp bond using ubuntu 16.04 , cisco sg-300. have cisco configured lacp on 2 server's ports . in ubuntu have following config: # /etc/network/interfaces auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eno1 iface eno1 inet manual bond-master bond0 auto eno2 iface eno2 inet manual bond-master bond0 auto bond0 iface bond0 inet static address gateway netmask dns-nameserver bond-mode 4 bond-miimon 100 bond-lacp-rate 1 bond-slaves eno1 eno2 xmit_hash_policy 0 this works has 1 issue. whenever system started [eno1 seems grab static ip bond0 , unreachable on network. if 'ifdown eno1 && ifup eno1' bond grab , start working normally. have clue why slave device grabbing static ip meant bond0 that? there static configuration in /etc/dhcpcd.conf. not sure how got there since i've used static on box. removed offending lines file removing dhcpcd5 pack...

crash - Glitchy screen while running any Linux distro - Ask Ubuntu

i crashing screen on linux computer. have tried many linux distros, same glitchy screen. how can solve problem?

bash - Startup script not running - Ask Ubuntu

this question has answer here: why won't rc.local run xinput? 1 answer “startup applications” not working 2 answers i trying run command on startup $ xinput set-prop "10" --type=float "coordinate transformation matrix" 0.5 0 0.5 0 1 0 0 0 1 i have in rc.local not running on startup. appreciated.

external hdd - Install Ubuntu on removable hard drive - Ask Ubuntu

this question has answer here: how install ubuntu on portable external hard drive? 3 answers i want install ubuntu on removable hard driver, when remove hard drive , turn on computer, there exist no signs of ubuntu (i mean no grub or else). when connect hard drive , turn on computer, can boot external hard drive , start ubuntu session. want ubuntu installed on external hard drive,creating live linux not answer. suggestions? yes, can. create livecd , install. the easiest way install unplug internal hard drive, plug in usb hard drive, , install on hard drive livecd. otherwise, have "something else", , create swap, data, , home partition manually. make sure install grub on hard drive, not internal hard drive.

software recommendation - About animated video makers not video editors - Ask Ubuntu

are there professional applications making animated videos on ubuntu 16.04? please suggest reliable ones, may cost money. found free ones not working well. i found videomakerfx working awesome me. that's compatible windows , mac.

gui - Issue with the detail pane in a window - Ask Ubuntu

i've got issue detail section of windows under ubuntu 16.10; shows this: and doesn't expand correctly , won't show items in list. can tell me how fix this?

networking - How can I force a connection to a specific WiFi network using nmcli? - Ask Ubuntu

networkmanager extremely slow scan , detect new networks wireless card ( rtl8xxxu driver ). using network manager gui can "force" connection specific wireless network using "connect hidden network". if networkmanager hasn't yet detected particular ssid, try (and succeed) @ connecting indicated network: however, haven't found way emulate command line: $ nmcli c id connectionnameorid error: connection activation failed: no suitable device found connection. $ nmcli d wifi connect networkname password 'pskpassword' error: no network ssid 'networkname' found. this frustrating! obviously, networkmanager has some api allows try connecting as-yet-unscanned network. there way me access nmcli or command-line tool? how nmcli connection $name ifname $iface ? nmcli device wifi connect creates new connection, expects argument ssid, not connection (name).

How can I completely uninstall mysql-server and reinstall? - Ask Ubuntu

i upgraded 12.10 16.04 on server. after upgrading (which appears have gone fine), unable login mysql server. such, uninstalled server, , reinstalled using: apt-get remove mysql-server apt-get install mysql-server however, seems give me: renaming removed key_buffer , myisam-recover options (if present) initctl: unable connect upstart: failed connect socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: connection refused insserv: warning: script 'screen-cleanup' missing lsb tags , overrides insserv: default-start undefined, assuming empty start runlevel(s) script `screen-cleanup' insserv: default-stop undefined, assuming empty stop runlevel(s) script `screen-cleanup' job mysql.service failed because control process exited error code. see "systemctl status mysql.service" , "journalctl -xe" details. invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed. dpkg: error processing package mysql-server-5.7 (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation scr...

Unable to install ubuntu snap in 16.04 LTS - Ask Ubuntu

i'm unable install snap in ubuntu 16.04, instead, error shown below: dheer@dheer-inspiron-3558:~$ sudo snap install notes [sudo] password dheer: ********* error: cannot perform following tasks: - fetch , check assertions snap "ubuntu-core" (423) (get net/http: request canceled while waiting connection (client.timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)) dheer@dheer-inspiron-3558:~$ please help? you getting status code of 423 indicates content trying access locked. indicates snap "ubuntu-core" may in process of being modified @ time of attempt access it. in case attempts access lead 403 error (forbidden) don't have access.

How to start OpenVPN server on Ubuntu 16.10? - Ask Ubuntu

the systemd unit openvpn.service uses /bin/true execstart , execreload directives. made mistake add comment # service systemd target, # using service since targets cannot reloaded. instead of # service systemd target, # using service since targets cannot reloaded. # [explanation how start server] sudo netstat -tupln | grep 1194 reveals openvpn isn't running ( port in /etc/openvpn/server.conf 1194). the openvpn@.service unit openvpn connection %i won't start server.

drivers - Ubuntu 16.04 recognize external speakers as headphones - Ask Ubuntu

external speakers 2.1 recognized headphones, normal? if not how can fix it? notebook model: dell inspiron-3542 os: ubuntu 16.04 64-bit pop-up after connect external speakers 2.1 recognized headphones yes, it's normal: if have speakers installed in system in hardware, second pair of speakers recognized "headphones" (as probably) plug them headphone port, not in (internal) speaker port. so unless screw driver out , remove internal speakers , hook external speakers internal port, just ignore it . ;-)

keyboard - How to enable special key - Ask Ubuntu

i have wacom cintiq 24hd tablet/screen has several sets of buttons. of them work fine [edit: , configurable xsetwacom], there's 1 set of buttons (touch buttons, actually) on top of screen won't register in ubuntu gui stack. picture of buttons in question take leftmost of 3 buttons, 1 labeled i . if press it, nothing happens. if use xev , button not trigger output (as opposed working buttons), both sudo showkey , sudo evtest indeed show button registers in kernel (i suppose). i've identified keycode 202 : % sudo evtest /dev/input/event4 input driver version 1.0.1 input device id: bus 0x3 vendor 0x56a product 0xf4 version 0x110 input device name: "wacom cintiq 24hd pad" supported events: event type 0 (ev_syn) event type 1 (ev_key) event code 148 (key_prog1) event code 149 (key_prog2) event code 202 (key_prog3) event code 256 (btn_0) event code 257 (btn_1) event code 258 (btn_2) event code 259 (btn_3) event code 260 (bt...

command line - Can I open a file manager as root without using terminal in xubuntu - Ask Ubuntu

i trying launch file manager root in panel error when put sudo in front of command exo-open --launch filemanager returns error. however, if put same command in xfce terminal (not emulator) launch file manager root , works. confused you can use gksu launching gui applications root. install gksu terminal: sudo apt install gksu after installed, can launch without terminal pressing alt + f2 , typing in: gksu thunar thunar default file manager in xubuntu. you can use pkexec launch. same above , change gksu pkexec . pkexec thunar hope helps!

16.04 - Unable to mount Windows 10 partition; it "is in an unsafe state" - Ask Ubuntu

this question has answer here: unable mount windows (ntfs) filesystem due hibernation 21 answers i have both ubuntu 16.04 lts , windows 10 pro installed , use them both often. sometimes, when using ubuntu, can see , use windows partitions also. sometimes, cannot. dont know why? ubuntu gives error: error mounting /dev/sda5 @ /media/mani/0ac217250ac21725: command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000" "/dev/sda5" "/media/mani/0ac217250ac21725"' exited non-zero exit status 14: disk contains unclean file system (0, 0). metadata kept in windows cache, refused mount. failed mount '/dev/sda5': operation not permitted ntfs partition in unsafe state. please resume , shutdown windows (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount volume read-only 'ro' mount option alt...

fonts - Text has turned to boxes in Ubuntu 16.04 - Ask Ubuntu

without cause can tell, text has turned boxes /rectangles everywhere in ubuntu 16.04. i able press ctrl-alt-f1 , go shell, have run : apt-get update and apt-get upgrade but has not changed anything. any suggestions? this can result of invalid permissions settings on font files. need set correct permissions fonts. to fix permissions of fonts ending .ttf or .otf extension use these 2 commands. find /usr/share/fonts -iname '*.ttf' -type f -exec sudo chmod -v 644 {} \; find /usr/share/fonts -iname '*.otf' -type f -exec sudo chmod -v 644 {} \; then use command re-build font cache sudo fc-cache -r -v this should fix problem.

unity - Dock a window to the side - Ask Ubuntu

i'm struggling find right words google, forgive me if has been answered. i want "dock" window side. i'm using zim take notes , setup has single monitor. want put zim on right 1/4 of screen , have stay there always. want other applications treat space zim taking being reserved... meaning if maximize chrome, don't want fill whole screen, left 3/4. i able close using "always on top" , "always visible on workspaces". part can't other applications treat space "taken". there similar functionality in windows using onenote. can dock note taking application on side. seems linux can anything... surely there easy way i'm missing.

boot - My USB wont mount - Ask Ubuntu

when plug usb computer starts flash undetectable computer. on windows says unrecognized. wont show on ubuntu. have tried formatting cant find on there or anywhere else, have tried fixing on windows. have checked devices , tried update drivers on root hub. have tried plugging 2 different usb ports on both computer. sandisk 8gb usb. help let me give 15 seconds of explanation let's dive in. physical disks noted alphabet letter , partitions noted number. vanilla system sdax (x being number) , next drive (that usb) become sdbx. with drive disconnected, open shell , run following command: lsblk you should see this: sda 8:0 0 35g 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 243m 0 part /boot ├─sda2 8:2 0 1k 0 part └─sda5 8:5 0 34.8g 0 part ├─mint--vg-root (dm-0) 252:0 0 33.2g 0 lvm / └─mint--vg-swap_1 (dm-1) 252:1 0 1.5g 0 lvm [swap] sr0 ...

upgrade - After upgrading to 16.10, 3840x2160 resolution not being detected - Ask Ubuntu

i have seiki 39" 4k monitor worked out of box ubuntu 14.04 , has worked every upgrade since then, until upgraded 16.10, after starts in 1920x1080. by scanning xorg.0.log before , after upgrade, can see detect 3840 resolution through ddc, complains edid timing clock 297.00 exceeds claimed max 115mhz, fixing . older logs (from 16.04) have same line, though, worked then. [ 389.050] (ww) edid timing clock 297.00 exceeds claimed max 115mhz, fixing [ 389.050] (ii) modeset(0): edid vendor "sek", prod id 0 [ 389.050] (ii) modeset(0): using edid range info horizontal sync [ 389.050] (ii) modeset(0): using edid range info vertical refresh [ 389.050] (ii) modeset(0): printing ddc gathered modelines: [ 389.050] (ii) modeset(0): modeline "3840x2160"x0.0 297.00 3840 4016 4104 4400 2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 khz ep) ... ( other modes omited ) [ 389.050] (--) modeset(0): hdmi max tmds frequency 300000khz [ 389.468] (ww) edid timing cloc...

command line - finding a word in a string - Ask Ubuntu

i want find word abc in string (i want exact word abc, not words contain abc) following error: echo "asjhdhahsjdajhsdabcasjdhas abc asdasdabc" | grep <abc> bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline' you want -o (show matched string only) , -w (match pattern whole word only) $ echo "asjhdhahsjdajhsdabcasjdhas abc asdasdabc" | grep -ow abc abc thanks steeldriver explaining how can use < , > instead of -w indicate word boundaries. should \< , \> backslashes have quoted passed grep < symbols, since have special meaning shell. strong-quote expression this: echo "asjhdhahsjdajhsdabcasjdhas abc asdasdabc" | grep -o '\<abc\>' or go crazy backslashes: echo "asjhdhahsjdajhsdabcasjdhas abc asdasdabc" | grep -o \\\<abc\\\>

systemd - Why doesn't pstree command show init in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS? - Ask Ubuntu

i trying examine output pstree command. reason starts called systemd opposed being init. have checked see process id's of both init , systemd using ps aux command , init has pid of 1, while systemd has other pid. why isn't init being shown in pstree's output? there option need give? also did read systemd vs init controversy, ubuntu 16.04 lts still uses init start right? update why different pids? it turns out different pids thought part of ignorance. init had pid 1, whereas systemd wasn't thing talking about. instead when ran ps aux|grep systemd , found pids /lib/systemd/systemd-* , * means characters. talking not systemd, other processes extensions(is correct word?) of systemd guess. some of examples * follows /lib/systemd/systemd-journald /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd /lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd since 15.04, init on ubuntu systemd. it possible use upstart , default systemd. example, /sbin/init link /lib/systemd/systemd . /sbin/{shutdown,re...

software installation - Eclipse Neon 64-bit is not launching in Ubuntu 14.04 - Ask Ubuntu

i have downloaded eclipse-jee-neon-1a-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz i'm unable launch it. it's showing below error. jvm terminated. exit code=1 /usr/bin/java -dosgi.requiredjavaversion=1.8 -xx:+useg1gc -xx:+usestringdeduplication -dosgi.requiredjavaversion=1.8 -xms256m -xmx1024m -jar /opt/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.200.v20160318-1642.jar -os linux -ws gtk -arch x86_64 -showsplash /opt/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.platform_4.6.1.v20160907-1200/splash.bmp -launcher /opt/eclipse/eclipse -name eclipse --launcher.library /opt/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_64_1.1.400.v20160518-1444/ -startup /opt/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.200.v20160318-1642.jar --launcher.appendvmargs -exitdata 588012 -product org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.product -vm /usr/bin/java -vmargs -dosgi.requiredjavaversion=1.8 -xx:+useg1gc -xx:+usestringdeduplication -dosgi.requiredjavaversion=1.8 -xms256m -xmx1024m -jar /opt/eclipse//...

networking - How to fix permission denied when I try to connect via SSH to my ubuntu server? - Ask Ubuntu

when try connect ubuntu server hosted on aws "permission denied". ssh -v ... gets me this: openssh_7.2p2, libressl 2.4.1 debug1: reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 20: applying options * debug1: connecting [] port 22. debug1: connection established. debug1: key_load_public: no such file or directory debug1: identity file /users/rubenberkhout/.ssh/id_rsa type -1 debug1: key_load_public: no such file or directory debug1: identity file /users/rubenberkhout/.ssh/id_rsa-cert type -1 debug1: key_load_public: no such file or directory debug1: identity file /users/rubenberkhout/.ssh/id_dsa type -1 debug1: key_load_public: no such file or directory debug1: identity file /users/rubenberkhout/.ssh/id_dsa-cert type -1 debug1: key_load_public: no such file or directory debug1: identity file /users/rubenberkhout/.ssh/id_ecdsa type -1 debug1: key_load_public: no such file or directory debug1: identity file /users/r...

drivers - How do I use nVidia GPU on 16.04 Xenial? - Ask Ubuntu

i've haswell 4670 cpu intel graphics i've been used couple of years. recently acquired , physically installed nvidia gtx 1610 card. when plug monitor onto card's dvi slot , turn on system can't see nothing. if login via vnc application can see in: system settings > details > overview" ubuntu still using "intel haswell desktop" graphics instead of nvidia. so far i've added ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa ppa , can see on list @ "software & updates > additional drivers" nvidia 367, nvidia 370 , nouveau alongside intel driver. i can pick list option, after clicking "apply" button choice unchecked, check mark goes entry , asks me restart. after restarting same, can plug monitor on mobo's dvi port , use system without problem, if plug nvidia port monitor shows "no signal message". if relevant, mobo gigabyte ga-z87-hd3. any hints? go bios , set initial display output slot new ca...

Firefox crashes with error "Inconsistency detected by" - Ask Ubuntu

i using ubuntu 16.04 lts gnome. yetserday onwards firefox crashes following error: inconsistency detected ../sysdeps/x86_64/dl-machine.h: 517: elf_machine_rela_relative: assertion `elfw(r_type) (reloc->r_info) == r_x86_64_relative' failed! adwaita@adwaita-multiverse:~$ firefox (firefox:12320): gtk-warning **: theme parsing error: gtk.css:3218:17: 'icon-shadow' property has been renamed '-gtk-icon-shadow' (firefox:12320): gtk-warning **: theme parsing error: gtk.css:6378:23: '-gtk-image-effect' property has been renamed '-gtk-icon-effect' (firefox:12320): gtk-warning **: theme parsing error: gtk.css:6388:15: 'icon-shadow' property has been renamed '-gtk-icon-shadow' (firefox:12320): gtk-warning **: theme parsing error: gtk.css:6438:13: 'icon-shadow' property has been renamed '-gtk-icon-shadow' (firefox:12320): gtk-warning **: theme parsing error: gtk.css:6551:16: 'outline-radius' property...

command line - Running the script when it detects I/O - Ask Ubuntu

i have bluetooth mouse xinput setting script run whenever have connect mouse. i'm alias short key 'bm' bash file execution want know if there automatic way execute bash file or alias command whenever detects mouse connection. thank in advance! ubuntu 16.10 i use . rules file. first, find out id_vendor_id , id_model_id of mouse. disconnect mouse, run command , connect mouse (the |grep id part filter information don't need). udevadm monitor --property|grep id lets these values: id_vendor_id=0a12 id_model_id=0001 now create file in rules folder (96 priority of rule): sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/96-myusb.rules add these 2 lines using values id_vendor_id , id_model_id . if don't want when remove it, don't include second line. action=="add", subsystem=="usb",env{id_vendor_id}=="0a12", env{id_model_id}=="0001",run+="/usr/local/bin/" action=="remove", subsyste...

Install canonical-livepatch had failure - Ask Ubuntu

i can not install canonical-livepatch . writing command line in terminal: sudo snap install canonical-livepatch and output: error: cannot perform following tasks: - download snap "ubuntu-core" (423) channel "stable" (received unexpected http response code (401) when trying download how fix? my platform: unity ubuntu 16.10. you must use lts release canonical-livepatch. want apply critical kernel security fixes without rebooting system? canonical livepatch service ubuntu 16.04 lts , ubuntu 14.04 lts reduces planned or unplanned downtime while maintaining compliance , security canonical livepatch service

ssh - Remove/Bypass startup script - Ask Ubuntu

i in trouble. have linux (ubuntu 14.04) based embedded device (plc). wrote startup script in /etc/init.d/rc.local , created symlink in run level rc.d directory. script c program never terminates. now, cannot access device because every time starts gets stuck in startup script. can somehow ask ubuntu ignore startup script? although can ping device ip address, ssh/telnet login fails (saying connection refused ) cannot login device , remove script manually. suggestions?

sendmail - ssmtp works in cron, but not elsewhere - Ask Ubuntu

ubuntu 16.04.... if enter sudo ssmtp , type text, hit ctrl-d in syslog: nov 4 15:18:58 garage-security ssmtp[27717]: 550 5.6.0 invalid header found (see rfc2822 section 3.6) but if @ message cron in syslog, see nov 4 15:01:03 garage-security ssmtp[20685]: sent mail (221 2.3.0 closing connection) uid=0 username=root outbytes=761 both ssmtp , sendmail fail in same way. dont understand why cron can send email cant command line - don't both use same config file? can clue me in?

compiling - (Solved) apt-build Missing source package name for source_by_source() - Ask Ubuntu

i installed apt-build , can not seem working. example: ~$ sudo apt-build --reinstall install boinc-client missing source package name source_by_source(). or ~$ sudo apt-build install gedit gedit not built because doesn't have source package. missing source package name source_by_source(). it seems apt-build unable having problem repository. went , found [a repository boinc-client][1] see if fix problem. added sudo add-apt-repository ppa:costamagnagianfranco/boinc success. still can't build boinc-client specifically, nor can build package. i have searched google answers. similar issue found apt-build & chromium ppa not helpful me. system information: ubuntu 16.04.1 lts linux kernel 4.8.0-040800-generic #201610022031 smp mon oct 3 00:32:57 utc 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 gnu/linux i intsalled thursday night. have updated kernel , installed software. attempting resolve issue edited /etc/apt/sources.list trying troubleshoot this. ended.

ibus - Why is language change not taking effect? - Ask Ubuntu

question: why the/how fix language input not changing after switch next text entry source? what did: wanted install text-entry support hangul ibus-hangul (korean, package includes hanja, chinese character equivalent korean words) this worked me before. ; simplified chinese/pinyin ibus-sunpinyin , , traditional chinese/pinyin ibus-chewing . terminal: sudo apt-get install ibus-hangul , sudo apt-get install ibus-sunpinyin , sudo apt-get install ibus-chewing terminal: sudo reboot , computer reboots language support: add chinese (simplified) , chinese (traditional) , korean . text entry: add korean (hangul) (ibus) , chinese (sunpinyin) (ibus) , chinese (chewing) (ibus) terminal: sudo reboot , computer reboots anomalies observed: please refer following figures in this image reference. under hangul entry mode, don't see settings language hangul/hanja. figure 1 (expected) vs. figure 2 (what appearing right now) after changing languages, other language icon app...

dpkg - Linux Ubuntu 16.04 / apt-get issue - Ask Ubuntu

i'm having issues installing on ubuntu 16.04 since i've messed java install. here's -- sudo apt-get -f install htop reading package lists... done building dependency tree reading state information... done e: package jre1.8.0-111 needs reinstalled, can't find archive it. any suggestions? try with sudo apt-get install -f it should remove java. reinstall can try synaptic (if have installed it) sudo synaptic or just sudo apt-get remove --purge *java* and reinstall java

networking - Please help me block this traffic - Ask Ubuntu

i have been trying disable functionality quite time, cannot seem figure out. within 1 minute interval several packet sniffer tools report constant traffic set size of 14 bytes. ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ netstat -g ipv6/ipv4 group assignments interface refzäh group --------------- ------ --------------------- lo 1 eth0 1 lo 1 ip6-allnodes lo 1 ff01::1 eth0 1 ff02::1:ff84:d990 eth0 1 ip6-allnodes eth0 1 ff01::1 it's designated ip ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ netstat -ng ipv6/ipv4 group assignments interface refzäh group --------------- ------ --------------------- lo 1 eth0 1 lo 1 ff02::1 lo 1 ff01::1 eth0 1 ff02::1:ff84:d990 eth0 1 ff02::1 eth0 1 ff01::1 i h...

Mouse started moving and clickin on it's own in 16.04 - Ask Ubuntu

today had weird occurence pointer started moving on screen on it's own , clicked opening folders, links etc. first thought computer compromised shut down holding power button 5 sec. after unplugged network cable. after rebooting system without network further inspections noticed mouse movement , clicking kept going on couple of reboots more until stoped. did nothing special it. it seemed wasn't unauthorised access. had sure tried check last logged in users. 'last' command gave me bunch of rows there 1 caught eye guest-sz tty8 :1 mon nov 7 16:15 - down (00:08) can tell me normal logon? if can me futher inspection of incident great.

after upgrade laptop goes immediately into hibernation - Ask Ubuntu

my old toshiba m55-s135 laptop works ubuntu 13.10, fails when upgrade (to current version).the upgrade progresses well, on restart, computer shows ubuntu start screen, goes hibernation. screen remains black after trying start hibernation. reinstalled 13.10 use computer. how can upgrade?

14.04 - Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11 Processing triggers for fontconfig (2.11.0-0ubuntu4.2) - Ask Ubuntu

i installing lightdm using command mona@pascal:~$ sudo apt-get install gnome ubuntu 14.04 , received following warning. installation still going on. should care , if yes, how fix? (gconftool-2:19650): gconf-warning **: client failed connect d-bus daemon: unable autolaunch dbus-daemon without $display x11 processing triggers fontconfig (2.11.0-0ubuntu4.2) ...

docker - Error building dockerfile "E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found." - Ask Ubuntu

i building dockerfile. starts with: run apt-get -yqq update && apt-get install -yqq iptables ca-certificates lxc openjdk-6-jdk git-core lxc-docker when build dockerfile error occurs: e: method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https not found. i don't know how deal , grateful help.

boot - Grub error on second disk drive - Ask Ubuntu

i have 2 hard disks on laptop (a normal 1 in normal slot, , ssd 1 in cd/dvd rom slot using caddy adapter). have ubuntu 16.04 on first disk , can boot fine , ubuntu version on second disk installed. i ran grub-update on first ubuntu install (on first disk) , shows second disk drive install entry. the issue when restart , want second ubuntu install errors out bunch of messages like: no such device id hd1 cannot c/h/s values need load kernel first any highly appreciated. thanks!

unity - New Dell XPS Developer Editiotion Keyboard Shortcut 2016 - Ask Ubuntu

a couple of days ago got new xps developer edition , happy it. comes default ubuntu 16.04. the issue, small, super(win) key not work unity shortcuts , don't know why. i try change shortcuts keys , reset without luck. use keyboard layout chart confirm pressing super key ( super key l pressed, don't know if should issue ). any recommendation appreaciate it. at end dell application causing super key don't work properly. the solution can found here : but debriefing : sudo apt-get remove dell-super-key sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager after go compiz settings, search unity, select launcher , assign super key dash menu.

partitioning - Unable to format my pendrive - Ask Ubuntu

i want try format pendrive show error device boot start end sectors size id type /dev/sdc1 2048 7802879 7800832 3.7g 83 linux command (m help): w partition table has been altered. calling ioctl() re-read partition table. re-reading partition table failed.: device or resource busy the kernel still uses old table. new table used @ next reboot or after run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8). when try gui the size of pendrive 4 gb when see in file browser shows size 69 gb, why? how can format pendrive in fat or ntfs format? your pendrive have error, have fix first! open terminal , type: sudo fdisk -l to find out pendrives name. then: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx bs=512 count=16 where x letter of pendrive! type in password , hit enter! fixes wrong header entry on pendrive, overwriting , zerroes, in first 8 kb! after can use normal partition program: set dos , make ntfs or fat32 partition compatibility other computers ,...

14.04 - How do I get a Ralink RT3290 wireless card working? I am stuck on step 6 - Ask Ubuntu

according answer when go step 6 , run sudo make install problem occour shown below make -c /home/dev/downloads/dpo_rt3290_linuxsta_v2600_20120508/os/linux -f makefile.6 install mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/etc/wireless’: file exists make[1]: entering directory `/home/dev/downloads/dpo_rt3290_linuxsta_v2600_20120508/os/linux' rm -rf /etc/wireless/rt2860sta mkdir /etc/wireless/rt2860sta cp /home/dev/downloads/dpo_rt3290_linuxsta_v2600_20120508/rt2860sta.dat /etc/wireless/rt2860sta/. install -d /lib/modules/4.2.0-42-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ install -m 644 -c rt3290sta.ko /lib/modules/4.2.0-42-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ install: cannot stat ‘rt3290sta.ko’: no such file or directory make[1]: *** [install] error 1 make[1]: leaving directory `/home/dev/downloads/dpo_rt3290_linuxsta_v2600_20120508/os/linux' make: *** [install] error 2 wireless info script output

ppa - Compile the latest Boost on Ubuntu 14.04 - Ask Ubuntu

i'm on ubuntu 14.04 , need libboost-all-dev @ least 1.56 compile library. default libboost-all-dev on ubuntu libboost1.54-all-dev . i tried find suitable ppa, didn't find one. are there ppas libboost1.56-all-dev or libboost1.58-all-dev or better? libboost1.62-all-dev ubuntu 14.04 trusty?

mount - Mounting an iso in ubuntu 14 - Ask Ubuntu

i want know please if can mount iso (virtual drive) ? i need mount daemon tools in windows i tried cdemu dosen't work me thanks :) try this: open terminal, press ctrl + alt + t run it: exec sudo -i apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade apt-get install acetoneiso acetoneiso:feature-rich graphical application mount , manage cd/dvd images opens graphical filemanager lets mount typical proprietary images formats of windows world such iso bin nrg mdf img , plenty of other things. if file specified, program mounts image before opening gui. detailed manual acetoneiso can found menu of graphical filemanger in help -> manual .

boot - how can I make a portable ubuntu installation on a usb stick secure bootable? - Ask Ubuntu

i´ve installed ubuntu 15.10 16.04 on usb stick (no chroot/permanent live install), , managed have booting bios uefi. how can secure boot working on multiple machines? i tried sudo apt-get install linux-signed-generic grub-efi-amd64-signed shim-signed followed sudo grub-install --uefi-secure-boot # --force what led fact indeed able secure boot on machine did that, there only. i thought must possible somehow, possible boot ubuntu install stick created rufus secure boot enabled, , that´s not bound machine. maybe i´m thinking wrong on this, i´d glad on help, searching days already. edit: upgraded 16.04, did not change anything. thanks! this command solved problem now: grub-install --efi-directory /mnt/esp --boot-directory /mnt/rootfs/boot --target x86_64-efi --removable /dev/sdb --uefi-secure-boot this lets me boot on uefi systems secure boot enabled. errors while booting error: file ´/boot/' not found. error: no such device: /.disk/info. ...

uefi - Boot-Repair, no shimx64, boot-info supplied - Ask Ubuntu

i trying install pidgin on ubuntu 16.04 following instructions found on website, lots of dependencies; when didn’t work, logged out , shut down pc night. morning, ubuntu wouldn’t boot. (so can’t recover website was...) after running boot-repair pendrive (which oddly works when plug in both boot-repair pendrive , ubuntu liveusb, , choose 2nd @ bbs), choice of boots @ gnu grub. attempts run ubuntu option result in black screen @ top of times following: /dev/sda2: clean, {some big number}/{some big number} files, {some big number}/{some big number} blocks [938323][1226]: running guests on default uri: no running guests. (numbers between square brackets vary.) (i may have shut down pc while virtual machine running in virt-manager ; can’t remember.) the other gnu grub choices are: advanced options ubuntu (after “recovery mode”, no help) efi/ubuntu/fwupx64 (goes gnu grub) efi/ubuntu/mokmanager (i have no idea how work this) boot-repair tells me can reb...

What are Unity's keyboard and mouse shortcuts? - Ask Ubuntu

in unity, there pre-defined shortcuts, e.g. open dash or unhide launcher? this page document keyboard shortcuts , mouse tricks unity. please feel free add more! read first familiar ui elements of unity , find right keys on keyboard: unity terminology what meta, super, , hyper keys? keyboard shortcuts holding down super key keyboard overlay documents of these. launcher hold super - invoke launcher , display shortcuts hold super , press 1 or 2 or 3 , on until 0 open or focus application. number corresponds location of icon on launcher top bottom. adding shift open new instance of application if it's open. holding key useful when want launcher not want invoke dash. super + t - open rubbish bin/trash can. alt + f1 - put keyboard focus on launcher, use arrow keys navigate, enter launches application, right arrow exposes quicklists if application has them. ctrl + alt + t - launch terminal window. dash tap alt - opens the hud ho...

14.04 - How to watch videos in Chromium? - Ask Ubuntu

this question has answer here: how install adobe flash player? 20 answers how can install flash player chromium in ubuntu 16.04? [duplicate] 3 answers i can't see videos in chromium in ubuntu 16.04. how can fix that? jalal@klein:~$ dpkg-query -s adobe-flashplugin dpkg-query: package 'adobe-flashplugin' not installed , no information available use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) examine archive files, , dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) list contents. jalal@klein:~$ sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin [sudo] password jalal: reading package lists... done building dependency tree reading state information... done package adobe-flashplugin not avai...

How to merge two line in site.xml file - Ask Ubuntu

i want merge these 2 line in one: <value>jdbc:mysql://localhost/metastore?usessl=false</value> <value>jdbc:mysql://localhost/metastore?createdatabaseifnotexist=true</value> what correct syntax ?

Configuring ssh - Ask Ubuntu

i installed ssh on both linux machines ....both of ports default permitrootlogin yes allowusers root@user the password new account not locked i've tried ssh root@user and ssh any ideas? you should use lowercase s in ssh command: ssh

16.04 - Why is the Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition (2016) not certified? - Ask Ubuntu

dell sells ubuntu 16.04, not certified according ubuntu certification list. what mean? work or not? all previous editions of laptop have been certified , dell has long track-record of working closely canonical. feel highly confident, run quite smoothly. why might not certified (yet)? different timelines (release of os , release of newest model) don't quite fit perfectly, can take few months until certification might done. nevertheless not hesitate buy it.

16.04 - Ubuntu Gnome status status area cluttered, can it be moved up? - Ask Ubuntu

i'm total newbie , i'm starting use ubuntu gnome 16.04 i noticed open programs tend go on left of screen , tracking them can hassle. can ported volume , wifi? huge because tried best , couldn't it! what looking extension move legacy tray top panel, extention gnome called topicon , moves status icons bar. once @ site using firefox allow install extensions, , after it's installed go tweak tool , enable extension there. good luck.

14.04 - Custom .deb does not install all files - Ask Ubuntu

i'm developing proprietary cross-platform file manager called fman . want distribute ubuntu users .deb file, can downloaded web site. use fpm create file, works without problems. when user installs fman, want add file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ points update server. allow user automatically update fman via ubuntu's package manager (or via apt-get ). i did obvious: placed file inside .deb archive under etc/apt/sources.list.d/fman.list . problem is: file not created under /etc/apt/... when user installs fman .deb file. when dpkg -x fman.deb some_dir/ , file fman.list correctly created @ some_dir/etc/apt/sources.list.d/fman.list . likewise, when dpkg-query -l fman after installation, output /. /etc /etc/apt /etc/apt/sources.list.d /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fman.list ... i don't errors or warnings when install .deb file command line via sudo dpkg -i fman.deb . tried increasing log level via sudo dpkg -d 100 -i fman.deb . 2 lines of output pertaining fman.list...

drivers - Lenovo Flex 1480 w/ intel GPU brightness control doesn't work Ubuntu 16.10 - Ask Ubuntu

i have 1 problem not able fix on lenovo flex 1480. problem brightness control. brightness keyboard control aren't working. i have tried many of solutions on web , nothing has worked far. i have written conf file looks : section "device" identifier "card0" driver "intel" option "accelmethod" "sna" option "backlight" "intel_backlight" busid "pci:0:2:0" endsection then have changed /etc/default/grub have acpi_backlight=vendor hasn't made change. i have tried xbacklight, nothing seems work it. getting xrandr error. well, last hope make work! guys suggestions or help! have hope in community! p.s this comes out of lspci -v | grep -i -a 15 vga 00:02.0 vga compatible controller: intel corporation hd graphics 520 (rev 07) (prog-if 00 [vga controller]) subsystem: lenovo hd graphics 520 flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0,...

apt - Can't fix broken packages through terminal or synaptic on 16.10 - Ask Ubuntu

so, i'm in bit of predicament seems. updating/reinstalling winebottler, sudo apt-get install wine-staging , , got error message. the following packages have unmet dependencies: wine-staging : depends: wine-staging-i386 (= 1.9.22~ubuntu16.10.1) e: unable correct problems, have held broken packages. i try solve typing every single common terminal command found, such sudo apt-get install -f , , commands of sort. install -f came no errors; , went synaptic try , install wine. tried installing wine-staging, , expected, error broken packages. go menu, , click edit->fix broken packages. error: e: unable correct problems, have held broken packages. e: error, pkgproblemresolver::resolve generated breaks, may caused held packages. e: unable correct dependencies e: error, pkgproblemresolver::resolve generated breaks, may caused held packages. e: unable correct dependencies here now, trying find way fix this, after has become issue in many areas. having problems valve's shit...

networking - hostapd problems - Ask Ubuntu

i want use ubuntu server wlan access point. i configured tutorial: however, didn't work. then ran hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf the output was: configuration file:/etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf nl80211: not configure driver mode. nl80211: deniet ifname=wlxec086b123a02 disabled_11b_rates=0 nl80211: driver initialization failed. wlxec086b123a02: interface state uninitialized->disabled wlxec086b123a02: ap-disabled hostapd_free_hapd_data: interface wlxec086b123a02 wasn't startet i'm using wlan device: tp-link tl-wn722n it's suppose work it. does know do? sorry posting twice. first time messed :/

12.04 - Upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS Failed - Ask Ubuntu

this question has answer here: permission denied, root? 6 answers i tried update ubuntu 14.04.5 on dell inspiron 8600 running ubuntu 12.02 lts, , received error saying pae not enabled. looked @ support enabling pae on pentium m systems, when tried run command apt-get install linux-image-generic-pae , received error saying: e: not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: permission denied) e: unable lock administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), root? i've tried find answers in forum, cannot find solution this. there way fix issue? need run superuser? the "permission denied" error , "are root?" message mean don't have permission apt installs, since need run program root user. you using sudo in front of apt-get , in: sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-pae

16.04 - Changing Makefile to ensure MEX points to matlab mex binary - Ask Ubuntu

i have download repository following link code repository to run code mentioned " edit matconvnet/makefile ensure mex points matlab mex binary ." how run code so opened makefile in vi , found following lines of code edit makefile contents makefile output in vi now question locate matlab mex binary path? my effort i did following command in ssh shell environment locate matlab | grep mex output ubuntu still not getting how edit mex path in makefile points matlab mex binary how use enable_gpu?

drivers - Dual monitors only work in Ubuntu 16.04.1 Gnome when set to different resolutions (AMD R9 380) - Ask Ubuntu

i have dvi + hdmi dual monitor setup amd radeon r9 380. can't use both monitors @ max resolution though. 1 monitor can @ max resolution , other must different. if set them same resolution, 1 of screens blank still seems receiving signal because doesn't turn off. here output lshw -c video crawforc3@ubuntu:~$ sudo lshw -c video *-display description: vga compatible controller product: tonga pro [radeon r9 285/380] vendor: advanced micro devices, inc. [amd/ati] physical id: 0 bus info: pci@0000:01:00.0 version: f1 width: 64 bits clock: 33mhz capabilities: pm pciexpress msi vga_controller bus_master cap_list rom configuration: driver=amdgpu latency=0 resources: irq:128 memory:e0000000-efffffff memory:f0000000-f01fffff ioport:e000(size=256) memory:f7e00000-f7e3ffff memory:f7e40000-f7e5ffff output xrandr crawforc3@ubuntu:~$ xrandr screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 3600 x 1080,...

Differences between PostScript printing and printing using manufacturer driver - Ask Ubuntu

what differences between printing printers have support postscript , printers manufacturer offers driver packages? to give concrete example: the brother hl-l2340dw laser printer not have postscript support (as postscript not listed under 'emulation' @ brother's support page ), there drivers available through .deb packages available (see this question) the brother dcp-l2540dw laser all-in-one have postscript support (as listed under 'emulation' @ brother's support page ), in addition drivers made available through .deb packages given both have linux drivers, 1 lose functionality lack of postscript support?

unity - "cannot open mixer: No such file or directory" when trying to run alsamixer to unmute after installing Realtek audio driver - Ask Ubuntu

i'm using ubuntu 16.04 on dell inspiron 5568 15", sound quality lower 1 on windows session. then searched solution , downloaded rt-linux-hdaudio-5.18 realtek here i did steps written in readme.txt inside : step 1. unzip source code tar xfvj alsa-driver-1.0.xx.tar.bz2 step 2. complied source code cd alsa-driver-1.0.xx ./configure --with-cards=hda-intel make make install step 3. reboot machine step 4. use alsamixer disable mute (all audio line default mute) excute alsamixer the problem is, when restarted computer found sound disabled , couldn't run alsamixer in terminal fix said in step 4. error : cannot open mixer: no such file or directory this driver outdated , uninstall running cd alsa-driver-1.0.xx make uninstall , reboot , hope uninstall works fine , previous driver. sound better in windows because driver includes builtin (and hidden) sound enhancer suitable small laptop loudspeaker : can have not-so-bad similar effec...

Disable the white end-of-document effect on scroll in Gedit 3.18.3 - Ask Ubuntu

how can remove or disable white end-of-document effect when using scroll wheel on gedit 3.18.3? see screenshot below.

14.04 - Using GUI on ssh session - Ask Ubuntu

i running ubuntu 14.04 can't use gui applications on ssh. followed several tutorials ( first one , second one ) online can't still fix it. below process followed. i first installed ubuntu 14.04 command line version only, later realized might need gui on ssh installed ubuntu-desktop. sudo apt update set x11 forwarding in /etc/ssh/sshd_config yes restart server. ssh using ssh -x me@server using normal user, started gedit using gedit but getting error below. error: xdg_runtime_dir not set in environment. (gedit:1771): gtk-warning **: cannot open display: i tried fixing no success. there missing?

memory - Might my Acer laptop be limited to 2GB RAM? - Super User

i have older run of mill acer aspire 4720z laptop 2 years old , came 1 gb of pc-5300 ram. i purchased 4 gb of pc-4300 in 2 sticks , when plug them both in computer bios recognizes 4 gb of memory, windows vista crashes bsod boot-up progress meter displays, 100% consistency. i tried each 2 gb stick individually , each boots fine; ran memory test on 1 of them , passed fine. tried each 2 gb stick 1 of original 512 mb sticks , bdod's @ same point. i have 2 hour round-trip drive return ram, 4 gb not somehow usable (i can make use of it... 3.5 gb usable, anyway). it seems if windows or laptop has problem more 2 gb ram - or possible? according can find laptop model, supports 2gb or ram. listed on acer support page , crucial memory selector . going intel's specs laptop chipset, gl960 , lists 2gb max of ram well. looks that's issue is. i'm surprised though computer recognizes ram , crashes windows rather ignoring ram.