16.04 - Is it possible to have CUDA 8.0 installed and still be able to use the graphics card for displaying desktop? - Ask Ubuntu

i assume thought possible, spent whole day trying install cuda 8.0 nvidia's site, , never managed have both x.org graphical desktop working , cuda samples run.

it kind of make sense: if graphics card used general computations (cuda) might not available more display windows. if don't computations @ moment; gpu should theoretically able handle actual graphics. supported?

cuda support background computation included nvidia proprietary drivers, @ least since 2014 (possibly longer ago that). run background cuda tasks (einstein@home gpu tasks) 24/7 on desktop machine, , don't see interfering in way normal use of machine web browsing, word processing, graphics-intensive games (path of exile, one).

i don't recall doing special, other having video card supports 1 or more cuda cores , date nvidia drivers.


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