C shell script last command not working - Ask Ubuntu
i have c shell (unfortunately c required) script called editfile.script
consisting entirely of 6 different sed commands, applied 1 text file.
#!/bin/csh -f 1i gametime!!!!!!\n #append "gametime!!!!!! @ beginning s/pionts/points/g #sub typo s/shot/shoot/g #sub typo s/the\sthe/the/g #sub double the's "the" /^ *$/d #delete blank lines $a game\nover #append "game over" end of file
now text file 400+ lines long , think posting here (and desired form) waste of space.
however, when run sed -f editfile.script gamemanual
@ cmdline of above commands work except final command. no "game over" appended end of file. believe has preceding "delete blank lines /^ *$/d
command- because when ran script removed, "game over" appended. don't see connection.
why final sed command in script not show? also, since first time using csh script (and c shell), other additions must make script work?
i don't think has c shell - , in fact, noted in comments, have sed script (a simple text file of sed
commands) rather shell script, , #!/bin/csh -f
shebang superfluous , treated (by sed) simple comment.
what seem observing sed
appears not re-evaluate $
(last line) address, if 1 of previous commands happens delete last line of file, subsequent attempt append1 after address fails. can see simple test (using bash
shell, it's worth) follows:
# delete line 3 append after $ $ printf 'line %d\n' {1..3} | sed -e '/3/d' -e '$a\new line' line 1 line 2
# append after $ delete line 3 $ printf 'line %d\n' {1..3} | sed -e '$a\new line' -e '/3/d' line 1 line 2 new line
i find surprising don't know if it's desired behavior or should considered bug.
[1] techically, a
command doesn't append, rather
queue[s] lines of text follow [ ... ] output @ end of current cycle, or when next input line read.
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