dual boot - How to recover files in Ubuntu partition through Windows? - Ask Ubuntu

long story short, installing ubuntu on xps 13 (2015) windows on it, screwed , lost windows. fast forward today, have windows back, i'd files ubuntu partition.

i'm not comfortable repairing grub (unless that's really surest way). don't want go through having windows break again, , i'm looking way files off ubuntu partition, delete it, , boot windows. minimum fuss. i'll start on dual booting day.

i know files are. what's best way me them, best meaning least screw windows 10 on xps 13?

i don't know windows had recover files ubuntu. if put cd/usb install of ubuntu , "try ubuntu", should can accede ubuntu partition. have put external hdd or usb , should can recover these files. should can accede windows partition there if want move these files windows partition, shouldn't problem.


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